Intent Classification

94 papers with code • 5 benchmarks • 13 datasets

Intent Classification is the task of correctly labeling a natural language utterance from a predetermined set of intents

Source: Multi-Layer Ensembling Techniques for Multilingual Intent Classification


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Latest papers with no code

Conformal Intent Classification and Clarification for Fast and Accurate Intent Recognition

no code yet • 27 Mar 2024

We present Conformal Intent Classification and Clarification (CICC), a framework for fast and accurate intent classification for task-oriented dialogue systems.

LARA: Linguistic-Adaptive Retrieval-Augmented LLMs for Multi-Turn Intent Classification

no code yet • 25 Mar 2024

Following the significant achievements of large language models (LLMs), researchers have employed in-context learning for text classification tasks.

Can Your Model Tell a Negation from an Implicature? Unravelling Challenges With Intent Encoders

no code yet • 7 Mar 2024

The triplet task gauges the model's understanding of two semantic concepts paramount in real-world conversational systems-- negation and implicature.

Prompt Perturbation Consistency Learning for Robust Language Models

no code yet • 24 Feb 2024

However, their performance on sequence labeling tasks such as intent classification and slot filling (IC-SF), which is a central component in personal assistant systems, lags significantly behind discriminative models.

Towards ASR Robust Spoken Language Understanding Through In-Context Learning With Word Confusion Networks

no code yet • 5 Jan 2024

In the realm of spoken language understanding (SLU), numerous natural language understanding (NLU) methodologies have been adapted by supplying large language models (LLMs) with transcribed speech instead of conventional written text.

PerSHOP -- A Persian dataset for shopping dialogue systems modeling

no code yet • 1 Jan 2024

In this paper, we developed a dataset of dialogues in the Persian language through crowd-sourcing.

OmniDialog: An Omnipotent Pre-training Model for Task-Oriented Dialogue System

no code yet • 28 Dec 2023

Furthermore, to glean a nuanced understanding of OmniDialog's strengths and potential pitfalls, we designed a fine-grained analysis framework for dialogue-centric tasks.

Decoupling Representation and Knowledge for Few-Shot Intent Classification and Slot Filling

no code yet • 21 Dec 2023

Therefore, current works first train a model on source domains with sufficiently labeled data, and then transfer the model to target domains where only rarely labeled data is available.

Bengali Intent Classification with Generative Adversarial BERT

no code yet • 17 Dec 2023

Furthermore, we propose a novel approach for Bengali intent classification using Generative Adversarial BERT to evaluate the proposed dataset, which we call GAN-BnBERT.

Creating Spoken Dialog Systems in Ultra-Low Resourced Settings

no code yet • 11 Dec 2023

We build on existing light models for intent classification in Flemish, and our main contribution is applying different augmentation techniques on two levels -- the voice level, and the phonetic transcripts level -- to the existing models to counter the problem of scarce labeled data in low-resource languages.