Hypergraph Matching

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Most implemented papers

An Exact Hypergraph Matching Algorithm for Nuclear Identification in Embryonic Caenorhabditis elegans

lauziere/ehgm 20 Apr 2021

Finding an optimal correspondence between point sets is a common task in computer vision.

Ranking with Fairness Constraints

sruthigorantla/underranking_and_group_fairness 22 Apr 2017

Ranking algorithms are deployed widely to order a set of items in applications such as search engines, news feeds, and recommendation systems.

Neural Graph Matching Network: Learning Lawler's Quadratic Assignment Problem with Extension to Hypergraph and Multiple-graph Matching

Thinklab-SJTU/ThinkMatch 26 Nov 2019

We also show how to extend our network to hypergraph matching, and matching of multiple graphs.

Simplicial Complex based Point Correspondence between Images warped onto Manifolds

charusharma1991/PointCorrespondence ECCV 2020

Recent increase in the availability of warped images projected onto a manifold (e. g., omnidirectional spherical images), coupled with the success of higher-order assignment methods, has sparked an interest in the search for improved higher-order matching algorithms on warped images due to projection.

Hypergraph Neural Networks for Hypergraph Matching

xwliao/hnn-hm ICCV 2021

Specifically, given two hypergraphs to be matched, we first construct an association hypergraph over them and convert the hypergraph matching problem into a node classification problem on the association hypergraph.