Human Parsing

56 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 2 datasets

Human parsing is the task of segmenting a human image into different fine-grained semantic parts such as head, torso, arms and legs.

( Image credit: Multi-Human-Parsing (MHP) )

Most implemented papers

Graphonomy: Universal Image Parsing via Graph Reasoning and Transfer

Gaoyiminggithub/Graphonomy-Panoptic 26 Jan 2021

Prior highly-tuned image parsing models are usually studied in a certain domain with a specific set of semantic labels and can hardly be adapted into other scenarios (e. g., sharing discrepant label granularity) without extensive re-training.

Parser-Free Virtual Try-on via Distilling Appearance Flows

geyuying/PF-AFN CVPR 2021

A recent pioneering work employed knowledge distillation to reduce the dependency of human parsing, where the try-on images produced by a parser-based method are used as supervisions to train a "student" network without relying on segmentation, making the student mimic the try-on ability of the parser-based model.

Text2Human: Text-Driven Controllable Human Image Generation

yumingj/Text2Human 31 May 2022

In this work, we present a text-driven controllable framework, Text2Human, for a high-quality and diverse human generation.

Body Part-Based Representation Learning for Occluded Person Re-Identification

vlsomers/bpbreid 7 Nov 2022

Firstly, individual body part appearance is not as discriminative as global appearance (two distinct IDs might have the same local appearance), this means standard ReID training objectives using identity labels are not adapted to local feature learning.

Deep Learning Technique for Human Parsing: A Survey and Outlook

soeaver/awesome-human-parsing 1 Jan 2023

Human parsing aims to partition humans in image or video into multiple pixel-level semantic parts.

Deep Human Parsing with Active Template Regression

AemikaChow/DATASOURCE 9 Mar 2015

The first CNN network is with max-pooling, and designed to predict the template coefficients for each label mask, while the second CNN network is without max-pooling to preserve sensitivity to label mask position and accurately predict the active shape parameters.

Look into Person: Self-supervised Structure-sensitive Learning and A New Benchmark for Human Parsing

Engineering-Course/LIP_SSL CVPR 2017

Human parsing has recently attracted a lot of research interests due to its huge application potentials.

Holistic, Instance-Level Human Parsing

torrvision/caffe-tvg 11 Sep 2017

We address this problem by segmenting the parts of objects at an instance-level, such that each pixel in the image is assigned a part label, as well as the identity of the object it belongs to.

Weakly and Semi Supervised Human Body Part Parsing via Pose-Guided Knowledge Transfer


In this paper, we present a novel method to generate synthetic human part segmentation data using easily-obtained human keypoint annotations.

Macro-Micro Adversarial Network for Human Parsing

RoyalVane/MMAN ECCV 2018

To address the two kinds of inconsistencies, this paper proposes the Macro-Micro Adversarial Net (MMAN).