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Latent dynamical variables produce signatures of spatiotemporal criticality in large biological systems

mcmorre/placerg 10 Aug 2020

Understanding the activity of large populations of neurons is difficult due to the combinatorial complexity of possible cell-cell interactions.

Point process models for sequence detection in high-dimensional neural spike trains

lindermanlab/PPSeq.jl NeurIPS 2020

Sparse sequences of neural spikes are posited to underlie aspects of working memory, motor production, and learning.

A biologically plausible neural network for Slow Feature Analysis

flatironinstitute/bio-sfa NeurIPS 2020

Furthermore, when trained on naturalistic stimuli, SFA reproduces interesting properties of cells in the primary visual cortex and hippocampus, suggesting that the brain uses temporal slowness as a computational principle for learning latent features.

Learning identifiable and interpretable latent models of high-dimensional neural activity using pi-VAE

zhd96/pi-vae NeurIPS 2020

Specifically, we propose to construct latent variable models of neural activity while simultaneously modeling the relation between the latent and task variables (non-neural variables, e. g. sensory, motor, and other externally observable states).

Stable deep neural network architectures for mitochondria segmentation on electron microscopy volumes

danifranco/BiaPy 8 Apr 2021

For that reason, and following a recent code of best practices for reporting experimental results, we present an extensive study of the state-of-the-art deep learning architectures for the segmentation of mitochondria on EM volumes, and evaluate the impact in performance of different variations of 2D and 3D U-Net-like models for this task.

Complementary Structure-Learning Neural Networks for Relational Reasoning

MaryZolfaghar/CSLS 19 May 2021

The neural mechanisms supporting flexible relational inferences, especially in novel situations, are a major focus of current research.

DualNet: Continual Learning, Fast and Slow

phquang/DualNet NeurIPS 2021

According to Complementary Learning Systems (CLS) theory~\citep{mcclelland1995there} in neuroscience, humans do effective \emph{continual learning} through two complementary systems: a fast learning system centered on the hippocampus for rapid learning of the specifics and individual experiences, and a slow learning system located in the neocortex for the gradual acquisition of structured knowledge about the environment.

Can the brain use waves to solve planning problems?

emdgroup/brain_waves_for_planning_problems 11 Oct 2021

A variety of behaviors like spatial navigation or bodily motion can be formulated as graph traversal problems through cognitive maps.

Multimodal neural networks better explain multivoxel patterns in the hippocampus

bhavinc/mutlimodal-concepts NeurIPS Workshop SVRHM 2021

The human hippocampus possesses "concept cells", neurons that fire when presented with stimuli belonging to a specific concept, regardless of the modality.

ROOD-MRI: Benchmarking the robustness of deep learning segmentation models to out-of-distribution and corrupted data in MRI

aiconslab/roodmri 11 Mar 2022

To address these limitations, we propose ROOD-MRI: a platform for benchmarking the Robustness of DNNs to Out-Of-Distribution (OOD) data, corruptions, and artifacts in MRI.