Grasp Generation

15 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 3 datasets

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Most implemented papers

KGNv2: Separating Scale and Pose Prediction for Keypoint-based 6-DoF Grasp Synthesis on RGB-D input

ivalab/kgn 9 Mar 2023

We propose a new 6-DoF grasp pose synthesis approach from 2D/2. 5D input based on keypoints.

Toward a Plug-and-Play Vision-Based Grasping Module for Robotics

Johann-Huber/qd_grasp 6 Oct 2023

This framework addresses two main issues: the lack of an off-the-shelf vision module for detecting object pose and the generalization of QD trajectories to the whole robot operational space.

UGG: Unified Generative Grasping

autonomousvision/shape_as_points 28 Nov 2023

Generation-based methods that generate grasping postures conditioned on the object can often produce diverse grasping, but they are insufficient for high grasping success due to lack of discriminative information.

Efficient Heatmap-Guided 6-Dof Grasp Detection in Cluttered Scenes


Specifically, Gaussian encoding and the grid-based strategy are applied to predict grasp heatmaps as guidance to aggregate local points into graspable regions and provide global semantic information.