graph partitioning

57 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 2 datasets

Graph Partitioning is generally the first step of distributed graph computing tasks. The targets are load-balance and minimizing the communication volume.


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3 papers

Most implemented papers

Accurate and versatile 3D segmentation of plant tissues at cellular resolution

hci-unihd/plant-seg eLife 2020

Quantitative analysis of plant and animal morphogenesis requires accurate segmentation of individual cells in volumetric images of growing organs.

DistDGL: Distributed Graph Neural Network Training for Billion-Scale Graphs

dmlc/dgl 11 Oct 2020

To minimize the overheads associated with distributed computations, DistDGL uses a high-quality and light-weight min-cut graph partitioning algorithm along with multiple balancing constraints.

Characterizing and comparing external measures for the assessment of cluster analysis and community detection

CompNet/ExtMeasEval 1 Feb 2021

For a collection of candidate measures, it first consists in describing their behavior by computing them for a generated dataset of partitions, obtained by applying a set of predefined parametric partition transformations.

Refining a -nearest neighbor graph for a computationally efficient spectral clustering

mashaan14/Spectral-Clustering Pattern Recognition 2021

We proposed a refined version of -nearest neighbor graph, in which we keep data points and aggressively reduce number of edges for computational efficiency.

Buffered Streaming Graph Partitioning

KaHIP/HeiStream 18 Feb 2021

On the one hand, there are streaming algorithms that have been adopted to partition massive graph data on small machines.

Learnable Graph Matching: Incorporating Graph Partitioning with Deep Feature Learning for Multiple Object Tracking

jiaweihe1996/GMTracker CVPR 2021

Then the association problem turns into a general graph matching between tracklet graph and detection graph.

Reformulating DOVER-Lap Label Mapping as a Graph Partitioning Problem

desh2608/dover-lap 5 Apr 2021

We also derive an approximation bound for the algorithm in terms of the maximum number of hypotheses speakers.

Learning Spatial Context with Graph Neural Network for Multi-Person Pose Grouping

jiahaoLjh/PoseGrouping 6 Apr 2021

More specifically, we design a Geometry-aware Association GNN that utilizes spatial information of the keypoints and learns local affinity from the global context.

Graph Partitioning and Sparse Matrix Ordering using Reinforcement Learning and Graph Neural Networks

alga-hopf/drl-graph-partitioning 8 Apr 2021

The partitioning quality is compared with partitions obtained using METIS and SCOTCH, and the nested dissection ordering is evaluated in the sparse solver SuperLU.

RAMA: A Rapid Multicut Algorithm on GPU

pawelswoboda/rama CVPR 2022

We propose a highly parallel primal-dual algorithm for the multicut (a. k. a.