Graph Learning

487 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 8 datasets

Graph learning is a branch of machine learning that focuses on the analysis and interpretation of data represented in graph form. In this context, a graph is a collection of nodes (or vertices) and edges, where nodes represent entities and edges represent the relationships or interactions between these entities. This structure is particularly useful for modeling complex networks found in various domains such as social networks, biological networks, and communication networks.

Graph learning leverages the relationships and structures within the graph to learn and make predictions. It includes techniques like graph neural networks (GNNs), which extend the concept of neural networks to handle graph-structured data. These models are adept at capturing the dependencies and influence of connected nodes, leading to more accurate predictions in scenarios where relationships play a key role.

Key applications of graph learning include recommender systems, drug discovery, social network analysis, and fraud detection. By utilizing the inherent structure of graph data, graph learning algorithms can uncover deep insights and patterns that are not apparent with traditional machine learning approaches.


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Most implemented papers

Connecting the Dots: Multivariate Time Series Forecasting with Graph Neural Networks

nnzhan/MTGNN 24 May 2020

Modeling multivariate time series has long been a subject that has attracted researchers from a diverse range of fields including economics, finance, and traffic.

Iterative Deep Graph Learning for Graph Neural Networks: Better and Robust Node Embeddings

hugochan/IDGL NeurIPS 2020

In this paper, we propose an end-to-end graph learning framework, namely Iterative Deep Graph Learning (IDGL), for jointly and iteratively learning graph structure and graph embedding.

Scaling Graph Neural Networks with Approximate PageRank

TUM-DAML/pprgo_tensorflow 3 Jul 2020

Graph neural networks (GNNs) have emerged as a powerful approach for solving many network mining tasks.

Graph Convolutional Networks for Graphs Containing Missing Features

marblet/GCNmf 9 Jul 2020

Notably, our approach does not increase the computational complexity of GCN and it is consistent with GCN when the features are complete.

Multi-view Graph Learning by Joint Modeling of Consistency and Inconsistency

youweiliang/Multi-view_Graph_Learning 24 Aug 2020

To overcome this limitation, we propose a new multi-view graph learning framework, which for the first time simultaneously and explicitly models multi-view consistency and multi-view inconsistency in a unified objective function, through which the consistent and inconsistent parts of each single-view graph as well as the unified graph that fuses the consistent parts can be iteratively learned.

Lifelong Graph Learning

wang-chen/LGL CVPR 2022

In this paper, we bridge GNN and lifelong learning by converting a continual graph learning problem to a regular graph learning problem so GNN can inherit the lifelong learning techniques developed for convolutional neural networks (CNN).

Self-supervised Graph Learning for Recommendation

wujcan/SGL 21 Oct 2020

In this work, we explore self-supervised learning on user-item graph, so as to improve the accuracy and robustness of GCNs for recommendation.

Automated Machine Learning on Graphs: A Survey

THUMNLab/AutoGL 1 Mar 2021

Machine learning on graphs has been extensively studied in both academic and industry.

GraphSMOTE: Imbalanced Node Classification on Graphs with Graph Neural Networks

TianxiangZhao/GraphSmote 16 Mar 2021

This task is non-trivial, as previous synthetic minority over-sampling algorithms fail to provide relation information for newly synthesized samples, which is vital for learning on graphs.

AutoGL: A Library for Automated Graph Learning

THUMNLab/AutoGL ICLR Workshop GTRL 2021

To fill this gap, we present Automated Graph Learning (AutoGL), the first dedicated library for automated machine learning on graphs.