47 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 1 datasets

Gaussian Process Regression


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Scalable Gaussian Process Classification with Additive Noise for Various Likelihoods

LiuHaiTao01/GPCnoise 14 Sep 2019

Gaussian process classification (GPC) provides a flexible and powerful statistical framework describing joint distributions over function space.

Approximate Inference for Fully Bayesian Gaussian Process Regression

vr308/Generalised-Gaussian-Processes pproximateinference AABI Symposium 2019

An alternative learning procedure is to infer the posterior over hyperparameters in a hierarchical specification of GPs we call \textit{Fully Bayesian Gaussian Process Regression} (GPR).

Predicting molecular dipole moments by combining atomic partial charges and atomic dipoles

max-veit/velociraptor 27 Mar 2020

In this work, we choose to represent this quantity with a physically inspired ML model that captures two distinct physical effects: local atomic polarization is captured within the symmetry-adapted Gaussian process regression (SA-GPR) framework, which assigns a (vector) dipole moment to each atom, while movement of charge across the entire molecule is captured by assigning a partial (scalar) charge to each atom.

Adaptive Universal Generalized PageRank Graph Neural Network

jianhao2016/GPRGNN ICLR 2021

We address these issues by introducing a new Generalized PageRank (GPR) GNN architecture that adaptively learns the GPR weights so as to jointly optimize node feature and topological information extraction, regardless of the extent to which the node labels are homophilic or heterophilic.

High Dimensional Bayesian Optimization Assisted by Principal Component Analysis

ryojitanabe/ela_drframework 2 Jul 2020

Bayesian Optimization (BO) is a surrogate-assisted global optimization technique that has been successfully applied in various fields, e. g., automated machine learning and design optimization.

Particle Swarm Based Hyper-Parameter Optimization for Machine Learned Interatomic Potentials

suresh0807/PPSO 31 Dec 2020

We propose a two-step optimization strategy in which the HPs related to the feature extraction stage are optimized first, followed by the optimization of the HPs in the training stage.

Numerical issues in maximum likelihood parameter estimation for Gaussian process interpolation

saferGPMLE/saferGPMLE 24 Jan 2021

This article investigates the origin of numerical issues in maximum likelihood parameter estimation for Gaussian process (GP) interpolation and investigates simple but effective strategies for improving commonly used open-source software implementations.

Exploring the Impact of Noise on Hybrid Inversion of PROSAIL RTM on Sentinel-2 Data

nunocesarsa/RTM_Inversion 11 Feb 2021

We focused on synthetic Sentinel-2 (S2) data generated using the PROSAIL RTM and four commonly applied ML algorithms: Gaussian Processes (GPR), Random Forests (RFR), and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Multi-task Neural Networks (MTN).

Five Degree-of-Freedom Property Interpolation of Arbitrary Grain Boundaries via Voronoi Fundamental Zone Octonion Framework

sgbaird-5DOF/interp 14 Apr 2021

The VFZO framework offers advantages for computing distances between GBs, estimating property values for arbitrary GBs, and modeling surrogates of computationally expensive 5DOF functions and simulations.