Goal-Oriented Dialog

24 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 6 datasets

Achieving a pre-defined goal through a dialog.

Most implemented papers

NIPS Conversational Intelligence Challenge 2017 Winner System: Skill-based Conversational Agent with Supervised Dialog Manager

sld/convai-bot-1337 COLING 2018

We present bot{\#}1337: a dialog system developed for the 1st NIPS Conversational Intelligence Challenge 2017 (ConvAI).

Learning End-to-End Goal-Oriented Dialog with Multiple Answers

IBM/permuted-bAbI-dialog-tasks EMNLP 2018

We also propose a new and more effective testbed, permuted-bAbI dialog tasks, by introducing multiple valid next utterances to the original-bAbI dialog tasks, which allows evaluation of goal-oriented dialog systems in a more realistic setting.

A Natural Language Corpus of Common Grounding under Continuous and Partially-Observable Context

Alab-NII/onecommon 8 Jul 2019

Finally, we evaluate and analyze baseline neural models on a simple subtask that requires recognition of the created common ground.

Learning End-to-End Goal-Oriented Dialog with Maximal User Task Success and Minimal Human Agent Use

IBM/modified-bAbI-dialog-tasks TACL 2019

In this work, we propose an end-to-end trainable method for neural goal-oriented dialog systems which handles new user behaviors at deployment by transferring the dialog to a human agent intelligently.

An Annotated Corpus of Reference Resolution for Interpreting Common Grounding

Alab-NII/onecommon 18 Nov 2019

Common grounding is the process of creating, repairing and updating mutual understandings, which is a fundamental aspect of natural language conversation.

Incorporating Joint Embeddings into Goal-Oriented Dialogues with Multi-Task Learning

s6fikass/Chatbot_KVNN 28 Jan 2020

Since such models can greatly benefit from user intent and knowledge graph integration, in this paper we propose an RNN-based end-to-end encoder-decoder architecture which is trained with joint embeddings of the knowledge graph and the corpus as input.

Sequential Neural Networks for Noetic End-to-End Response Selection

alibaba/esim-response-selection 3 Mar 2020

The noetic end-to-end response selection challenge as one track in the 7th Dialog System Technology Challenges (DSTC7) aims to push the state of the art of utterance classification for real world goal-oriented dialog systems, for which participants need to select the correct next utterances from a set of candidates for the multi-turn context.

ClovaCall: Korean Goal-Oriented Dialog Speech Corpus for Automatic Speech Recognition of Contact Centers

ClovaAI/ClovaCall 20 Apr 2020

Automatic speech recognition (ASR) via call is essential for various applications, including AI for contact center (AICC) services.

Effects of Naturalistic Variation in Goal-Oriented Dialog

IBM/naturalistic-variation-goal-oriented-dialog-datasets Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2020

Existing benchmarks used to evaluate the performance of end-to-end neural dialog systems lack a key component: natural variation present in human conversations.

Discriminative Nearest Neighbor Few-Shot Intent Detection by Transferring Natural Language Inference

salesforce/DNNC-few-shot-intent EMNLP 2020

Intent detection is one of the core components of goal-oriented dialog systems, and detecting out-of-scope (OOS) intents is also a practically important skill.