Gesture Recognition

118 papers with code • 13 benchmarks • 14 datasets

Gesture Recognition is an active field of research with applications such as automatic recognition of sign language, interaction of humans and robots or for new ways of controlling video games.

Source: Gesture Recognition in RGB Videos Using Human Body Keypoints and Dynamic Time Warping


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Most implemented papers

sEMG Gesture Recognition with a Simple Model of Attention

josephsdavid/semg_repro 5 Jun 2020

Myoelectric control is one of the leading areas of research in the field of robotic prosthetics.

Gesture Recognition for Initiating Human-to-Robot Handovers

junwenkwan/human-robot-handover 20 Jul 2020

Human-to-Robot handovers are useful for many Human-Robot Interaction scenarios.

BEAT: A Large-Scale Semantic and Emotional Multi-Modal Dataset for Conversational Gestures Synthesis

PantoMatrix/PantoMatrix 10 Mar 2022

Achieving realistic, vivid, and human-like synthesized conversational gestures conditioned on multi-modal data is still an unsolved problem due to the lack of available datasets, models and standard evaluation metrics.

Beyond Temporal Pooling: Recurrence and Temporal Convolutions for Gesture Recognition in Video

chriswegmann/drone_steering 5 Jun 2015

Recent studies have demonstrated the power of recurrent neural networks for machine translation, image captioning and speech recognition.

Rank Pooling for Action Recognition

bfernando/videodarwin 6 Dec 2015

We show how the parameters of a function that has been fit to the video data can serve as a robust new video representation.

Human Computer Interaction Using Marker Based Hand Gesture Recognition

siam1251/HandGestureRecognition 23 Jun 2016

Human Computer Interaction (HCI) has been redefined in this era.

Static Gesture Recognition using Leap Motion

windmark/static-gesture-recognition 16 May 2017

In this report, an automated bartender system was developed for making orders in a bar using hand gestures.

Deep Fisher Discriminant Learning for Mobile Hand Gesture Recognition

chriswegmann/drone_steering 12 Jul 2017

Gesture recognition is a challenging problem in the field of biometrics.

Wisture: RNN-based Learning of Wireless Signals for Gesture Recognition in Unmodified Smartphones

mohaseeb/wisture 26 Jul 2017

This paper introduces Wisture, a new online machine learning solution for recognizing touch-less dynamic hand gestures on a smartphone.