Gaze Estimation

73 papers with code • 9 benchmarks • 16 datasets

Gaze Estimation is a task to predict where a person is looking at given the person’s full face. The task contains two directions: 3-D gaze vector and 2-D gaze position estimation. 3-D gaze vector estimation is to predict the gaze vector, which is usually used in the automotive safety. 2-D gaze position estimation is to predict the horizontal and vertical coordinates on a 2-D screen, which allows utilizing gaze point to control a cursor for human-machine interaction.

Source: A Generalized and Robust Method Towards Practical Gaze Estimation on Smart Phone

TinyTracker: Ultra-Fast and Ultra-Low-Power Edge Vision In-Sensor for Gaze Estimation

pbonazzi/retina 15 Jul 2023

We propose TinyTracker, a highly efficient, fully quantized model for 2D gaze estimation designed to maximize the performance of the edge vision systems considered in this study.

15 Jul 2023

Rotation-Constrained Cross-View Feature Fusion for Multi-View Appearance-based Gaze Estimation

ut-vision/rot-mvgaze 22 May 2023

This work proposes a generalizable multi-view gaze estimation task and a cross-view feature fusion method to address this issue.

22 May 2023

Precise localization of corneal reflections in eye images using deep learning trained on synthetic data

dcnieho/byrneetal_cr_cnn 12 Apr 2023

Our method outperformed state-of-the-art algorithmic methods on real eye images with a 35% reduction in terms of spatial precision, and performed on par with state-of-the-art on simulated images in terms of spatial accuracy. We conclude that our method provides a precise method for CR center localization and provides a solution to the data availability problem which is one of the important common roadblocks in the development of deep learning models for gaze estimation.

12 Apr 2023

Towards Precision in Appearance-based Gaze Estimation in the Wild

lrdmurthy/parks-gaze 5 Feb 2023

Appearance-based gaze estimation systems have shown great progress recently, yet the performance of these techniques depend on the datasets used for training.

05 Feb 2023

Using Gaze for Behavioural Biometrics

phuselab/Gaze_4_behavioural_biometrics Sensors 2023

A principled approach to the analysis of eye movements for behavioural biometrics is laid down.

22 Jan 2023

Source-Free Adaptive Gaze Estimation by Uncertainty Reduction

caixin1998/unrega CVPR 2023

In light of this, we present an unsupervised source-free domain adaptation approach for gaze estimation, which adapts a source-trained gaze estimator to unlabeled target domains without source data.

01 Jan 2023

3DGazeNet: Generalizing Gaze Estimation with Weak-Supervision from Synthetic Views

vagver/3dgazenet 6 Dec 2022

To close the gap between image domains, we create a large-scale dataset of diverse faces with gaze pseudo-annotations, which we extract based on the 3D geometry of the scene, and design a multi-view supervision framework to balance their effect during training.

06 Dec 2022

One Eye is All You Need: Lightweight Ensembles for Gaze Estimation with Single Encoders

rishipython/one-eye-is-all-you-need-lightweight-ensembles-for-gaze-estimation-with-single-encoders 22 Nov 2022

Thus, we propose a gaze estimation model that implements the ResNet and Inception model architectures and makes predictions using only one eye image.

22 Nov 2022

Contrastive Representation Learning for Gaze Estimation

jswati31/gazeclr 24 Oct 2022

Notably, SSL exploits contrastive learning to encourage visual representations to be invariant under various image transformations.

24 Oct 2022

LatentGaze: Cross-Domain Gaze Estimation through Gaze-Aware Analytic Latent Code Manipulation

leeisack/latentgaze 21 Sep 2022

Although recent gaze estimation methods lay great emphasis on attentively extracting gaze-relevant features from facial or eye images, how to define features that include gaze-relevant components has been ambiguous.

21 Sep 2022