Game of Go

19 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 1 datasets

Go is an abstract strategy board game for two players, in which the aim is to surround more territory than the opponent. The task is to train an agent to play the game and be superior to other players.


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Most implemented papers

ELF OpenGo: An Analysis and Open Reimplementation of AlphaZero

pytorch/ELF 12 Feb 2019

The AlphaGo, AlphaGo Zero, and AlphaZero series of algorithms are remarkable demonstrations of deep reinforcement learning's capabilities, achieving superhuman performance in the complex game of Go with progressively increasing autonomy.

Hyper-Parameter Sweep on AlphaZero General

QueensGambit/CrazyAra 19 Mar 2019

Therefore, in this paper, we choose 12 parameters in AlphaZero and evaluate how these parameters contribute to training.

The Computational Limits of Deep Learning

mit-futuretech/thecomputationallimitsofdeeplearning 10 Jul 2020

Deep learning's recent history has been one of achievement: from triumphing over humans in the game of Go to world-leading performance in image classification, voice recognition, translation, and other tasks.

Visualizing MuZero Models

kaesve/muzero ICML Workshop URL 2021

In contrast to standard forward dynamics models that predict a full next state, value equivalent models are trained to predict a future value, thereby emphasizing value relevant information in the representations.

Conservative Optimistic Policy Optimization via Multiple Importance Sampling

WolfLo/optimist 4 Mar 2021

Reinforcement Learning (RL) has been able to solve hard problems such as playing Atari games or solving the game of Go, with a unified approach.

Learning and Planning in Complex Action Spaces

opendilab/LightZero 13 Apr 2021

Instead, only small subsets of actions can be sampled for the purpose of policy evaluation and improvement.

Are AlphaZero-like Agents Robust to Adversarial Perturbations?

lan-lc/adversarial_example_of_Go 7 Nov 2022

Given that the state space of Go is extremely large and a human player can play the game from any legal state, we ask whether adversarial states exist for Go AIs that may lead them to play surprisingly wrong actions.

Active Reinforcement Learning for Robust Building Control

demosthen/activerl 16 Dec 2023

Reinforcement learning (RL) is a powerful tool for optimal control that has found great success in Atari games, the game of Go, robotic control, and building optimization.