Factual Inconsistency Detection in Chart Captioning

4 papers with code • 4 benchmarks • 1 datasets

Detect factual inconsistency between charts and captions.


Use these libraries to find Factual Inconsistency Detection in Chart Captioning models and implementations


Most implemented papers

GPT-4 Technical Report

openai/evals Preprint 2023

We report the development of GPT-4, a large-scale, multimodal model which can accept image and text inputs and produce text outputs.

Improved Baselines with Visual Instruction Tuning

huggingface/transformers 5 Oct 2023

Large multimodal models (LMM) have recently shown encouraging progress with visual instruction tuning.

Do LVLMs Understand Charts? Analyzing and Correcting Factual Errors in Chart Captioning

khuangaf/chocolate 15 Dec 2023

This work inaugurates a new domain in factual error correction for chart captions, presenting a novel evaluation mechanism, and demonstrating an effective approach to ensuring the factuality of generated chart captions.

DePlot: One-shot visual language reasoning by plot-to-table translation

huggingface/transformers 20 Dec 2022

Compared with a SOTA model finetuned on more than >28k data points, DePlot+LLM with just one-shot prompting achieves a 24. 0% improvement over finetuned SOTA on human-written queries from the task of chart QA.