Fact Verification

92 papers with code • 3 benchmarks • 14 datasets

Fact verification, also called "fact checking", is a process of verifying facts in natural text against a database of facts.

Most implemented papers

Multilingual Evidence Retrieval and Fact Verification to Combat Global Disinformation: The Power of Polyglotism

D-Roberts/multilingual_nli_ECIR2021 16 Dec 2020

This article investigates multilingual evidence retrieval and fact verification as a step to combat global disinformation, a first effort of this kind, to the best of our knowledge.

FaVIQ: FAct Verification from Information-seeking Questions

faviq/faviq ACL 2022

Claims in FAVIQ are verified to be natural, contain little lexical bias, and require a complete understanding of the evidence for verification.

CREAK: A Dataset for Commonsense Reasoning over Entity Knowledge

yasumasaonoe/creak 3 Sep 2021

We introduce CREAK, a testbed for commonsense reasoning about entity knowledge, bridging fact-checking about entities (Harry Potter is a wizard and is skilled at riding a broomstick) with commonsense inferences (if you're good at a skill you can teach others how to do it).

Decorrelate Irrelevant, Purify Relevant: Overcome Textual Spurious Correlations from a Feature Perspective

coling2022-depro/depro COLING 2022

Most of the existing debiasing methods often identify and weaken these samples with biased features (i. e., superficial surface features that cause such spurious correlations).

Precise Zero-Shot Dense Retrieval without Relevance Labels

texttron/hyde 20 Dec 2022

Given a query, HyDE first zero-shot instructs an instruction-following language model (e. g. InstructGPT) to generate a hypothetical document.

Self-RAG: Learning to Retrieve, Generate, and Critique through Self-Reflection

AkariAsai/self-rag 17 Oct 2023

Our framework trains a single arbitrary LM that adaptively retrieves passages on-demand, and generates and reflects on retrieved passages and its own generations using special tokens, called reflection tokens.

DeFactoNLP: Fact Verification using Entity Recognition, TFIDF Vector Comparison and Decomposable Attention

DeFacto/DeFactoNLP WS 2018

In this paper, we describe DeFactoNLP, the system we designed for the FEVER 2018 Shared Task.

TabFact: A Large-scale Dataset for Table-based Fact Verification

wenhuchen/Table-Fact-Checking ICLR 2020

To this end, we construct a large-scale dataset called TabFact with 16k Wikipedia tables as the evidence for 118k human-annotated natural language statements, which are labeled as either ENTAILED or REFUTED.

Fine-grained Fact Verification with Kernel Graph Attention Network

thunlp/KernelGAT ACL 2020

Fact Verification requires fine-grained natural language inference capability that finds subtle clues to identify the syntactical and semantically correct but not well-supported claims.

Elastic weight consolidation for better bias inoculation

j6mes/eacl2021-debias-finetuning EACL 2021

The biases present in training datasets have been shown to affect models for sentence pair classification tasks such as natural language inference (NLI) and fact verification.