Facial Landmark Detection

47 papers with code • 9 benchmarks • 15 datasets

Facial Landmark Detection is a computer vision task that involves detecting and localizing specific points or landmarks on a face, such as the eyes, nose, mouth, and chin. The goal is to accurately identify these landmarks in images or videos of faces in real-time and use them for various applications, such as face recognition, facial expression analysis, and head pose estimation.

( Image credit: Style Aggregated Network for Facial Landmark Detection )


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2 papers

Latest papers with no code

Improving Facial Landmark Detection Accuracy and Efficiency with Knowledge Distillation

no code yet • 9 Apr 2024

The domain of computer vision has experienced significant advancements in facial-landmark detection, becoming increasingly essential across various applications such as augmented reality, facial recognition, and emotion analysis.

Fiducial Focus Augmentation for Facial Landmark Detection

no code yet • 23 Feb 2024

To effectively utilize the newly proposed augmentation technique, we employ a Siamese architecture-based training mechanism with a Deep Canonical Correlation Analysis (DCCA)-based loss to achieve collective learning of high-level feature representations from two different views of the input images.

Towards Multi-domain Face Landmark Detection with Synthetic Data from Diffusion model

no code yet • 24 Jan 2024

Finally, we fine-tuned a pre-trained face landmark detection model on the synthetic dataset to achieve multi-domain face landmark detection.

Automated Detection of Cat Facial Landmarks

no code yet • 15 Oct 2023

One of the most significant challenges that researchers in the field currently face is the scarcity of high-quality, comprehensive datasets that allow the development of models for facial expressions analysis.

Boosting Facial Action Unit Detection Through Jointly Learning Facial Landmark Detection and Domain Separation and Reconstruction

no code yet • 8 Oct 2023

Recently how to introduce large amounts of unlabeled facial images in the wild into supervised Facial Action Unit (AU) detection frameworks has become a challenging problem.

A Real-Time Multi-Task Learning System for Joint Detection of Face, Facial Landmark and Head Pose

no code yet • 21 Sep 2023

Extreme head postures pose a common challenge across a spectrum of facial analysis tasks, including face detection, facial landmark detection (FLD), and head pose estimation (HPE).

Lite-HRNet Plus: Fast and Accurate Facial Landmark Detection

no code yet • 23 Aug 2023

Lite-HRNet Plus achieves two improvements: a novel fusion block based on a channel attention and a novel output module with less computational intensity using multi-resolution feature maps.

Facial Landmark Detection Evaluation on MOBIO Database

no code yet • 6 Jul 2023

Our work is first to perform facial landmark detection evaluation on the mobile still data, i. e., face images from MOBIO database.

Automatic 3D Registration of Dental CBCT and Face Scan Data using 2D Projection Images

no code yet • 17 May 2023

A main contribution of this study is that the proposed method does not require annotated training data of facial landmarks because it uses a pre-trained facial landmark detection algorithm that is known to be robust and generalized to various 2D face image models.

Precise Facial Landmark Detection by Reference Heatmap Transformer

no code yet • 14 Mar 2023

Most facial landmark detection methods predict landmarks by mapping the input facial appearance features to landmark heatmaps and have achieved promising results.