Face Reenactment

24 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 1 datasets

Face Reenactment is an emerging conditional face synthesis task that aims at fulfilling two goals simultaneously: 1) transfer a source face shape to a target face; while 2) preserve the appearance and the identity of the target face.

Source: One-shot Face Reenactment


Thin-Plate Spline Motion Model for Image Animation

yoyo-nb/thin-plate-spline-motion-model CVPR 2022

Firstly, we propose thin-plate spline motion estimation to produce a more flexible optical flow, which warps the feature maps of the source image to the feature domain of the driving image.

27 Mar 2022

Finding Directions in GAN's Latent Space for Neural Face Reenactment

stelabou/stylegan_directions_face_reenactment 31 Jan 2022

Moreover, we show that by embedding real images in the GAN latent space, our method can be successfully used for the reenactment of real-world faces.

31 Jan 2022

Initiative Defense against Facial Manipulation

shikiw/initiative-defense-for-deepfake 19 Dec 2021

To this end, we first imitate the target manipulation model with a surrogate model, and then devise a poison perturbation generator to obtain the desired venom.

19 Dec 2021

AI-generated characters for supporting personalized learning and well-being

mitmedialab/AI-generated-characters Nature Machine Intelligence 2021

Advancements in machine learning have recently enabled the hyper-realistic synthesis of prose, images, audio and video data, in what is referred to as artificial intelligence (AI)-generated media.

15 Dec 2021

AnimeCeleb: Large-Scale Animation CelebHeads Dataset for Head Reenactment

kangyeolk/animeceleb 15 Nov 2021

We present a novel Animation CelebHeads dataset (AnimeCeleb) to address an animation head reenactment.

15 Nov 2021

Everything's Talkin': Pareidolia Face Reenactment

Linsen13/EverythingTalking 7 Apr 2021

We present a new application direction named Pareidolia Face Reenactment, which is defined as animating a static illusory face to move in tandem with a human face in the video.

07 Apr 2021

APB2FaceV2: Real-Time Audio-Guided Multi-Face Reenactment

zhangzjn/APB2FaceV2 25 Oct 2020

Audio-guided face reenactment aims to generate a photorealistic face that has matched facial expression with the input audio.

25 Oct 2020

SMILE: Semantically-guided Multi-attribute Image and Layout Editing

affromero/SMILE 5 Oct 2020

Additionally, our method is capable of adding, removing or changing either fine-grained or coarse attributes by using an image as a reference or by exploring the style distribution space, and it can be easily extended to head-swapping and face-reenactment applications without being trained on videos.

05 Oct 2020

APB2Face: Audio-guided face reenactment with auxiliary pose and blink signals

zhangzjn/APB2FaceV2 30 Apr 2020

Audio-guided face reenactment aims at generating photorealistic faces using audio information while maintaining the same facial movement as when speaking to a real person.

30 Apr 2020

FSGAN: Subject Agnostic Face Swapping and Reenactment

YuvalNirkin/fsgan ICCV 2019

We present Face Swapping GAN (FSGAN) for face swapping and reenactment.

16 Aug 2019