Entity Disambiguation

57 papers with code • 11 benchmarks • 12 datasets

Entity Disambiguation is the task of linking mentions of ambiguous entities to their referent entities in a knowledge base such as Wikipedia.

Source: Leveraging Deep Neural Networks and Knowledge Graphs for Entity Disambiguation

Latest papers with no code

Improving Knowledge Base Construction from Robust Infobox Extraction

no code yet • NAACL 2019

One important approach to constructing a comprehensive knowledge base is to extract information from Wikipedia infobox tables to populate an existing KB.

Joint Entity Linking with Deep Reinforcement Learning

no code yet • 1 Feb 2019

Entity linking is the task of aligning mentions to corresponding entities in a given knowledge base.

Discovering Entities with Just a Little Help from You

no code yet • 24 Oct 2018

For such entities, mining a suitable representation in a fully automated fashion is very difficult, resulting in poor linking accuracy.

Harnessing Historical Corrections to build Test Collections for Named Entity Disambiguation

no code yet • 27 Aug 2018

One collection focuses on the properties of defects and one on the evaluation of disambiguation algorithms.

Story Disambiguation: Tracking Evolving News Stories across News and Social Streams

no code yet • 16 Aug 2018

This is particularly the case for local news stories that are easily over shadowed by other trending stories, and for complex news stories with ambiguous content in noisy stream environments.

Pangloss: Fast Entity Linking in Noisy Text Environments

no code yet • 16 Jul 2018

Entity linking is the task of mapping potentially ambiguous terms in text to their constituent entities in a knowledge base like Wikipedia.

Multimodal Named Entity Disambiguation for Noisy Social Media Posts

no code yet • ACL 2018

We introduce the new Multimodal Named Entity Disambiguation (MNED) task for multimodal social media posts such as Snapchat or Instagram captions, which are composed of short captions with accompanying images.

diaNED: Time-Aware Named Entity Disambiguation for Diachronic Corpora

no code yet • ACL 2018

Named Entity Disambiguation (NED) systems perform well on news articles and other texts covering a specific time interval.

A Sequence Learning Method for Domain-Specific Entity Linking

no code yet • WS 2018

Recent collective Entity Linking studies usually promote global coherence of all the mapped entities in the same document by using semantic embeddings and graph-based approaches.

Joint Neural Entity Disambiguation with Output Space Search

no code yet • COLING 2018

In this paper, we present a novel model for entity disambiguation that combines both local contextual information and global evidences through Limited Discrepancy Search (LDS).