Edge Detection

118 papers with code • 8 benchmarks • 9 datasets

Edge Detection is a fundamental image processing technique which involves computing an image gradient to quantify the magnitude and direction of edges in an image. Image gradients are used in various downstream tasks in computer vision such as line detection, feature detection, and image classification.

Source: Artistic Enhancement and Style Transfer of Image Edges using Directional Pseudo-coloring

( Image credit: Kornia )


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2 papers

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MEGANet: Multi-Scale Edge-Guided Attention Network for Weak Boundary Polyp Segmentation

uark-aicv/meganet 6 Sep 2023

MEGANet is designed as an end-to-end framework, encompassing three key modules: an encoder, which is responsible for capturing and abstracting the features from the input image, a decoder, which focuses on salient features, and the Edge-Guided Attention module (EGA) that employs the Laplacian Operator to accentuate polyp boundaries.

Convolutional Channel Features

byangderek/CCF ICCV 2015

With the combination of CNN features and boosting forest, CCF benefits from the richer capacity in feature representation compared with channel features, as well as lower cost in computation and storage compared with end-to-end CNN methods.

On Image segmentation using Fractional Gradients-Learning Model Parameters using Approximate Marginal Inference

anishacharya/Image-Segmentation-FDOG-TRW 7 May 2016

Estimates of image gradients play a ubiquitous role in image segmentation and classification problems since gradients directly relate to the boundaries or the edges of a scene.

Classification With an Edge: Improving Semantic Image Segmentation with Boundary Detection

deep-unlearn/ISPRS-Classification-With-an-Edge 5 Dec 2016

We present an end-to-end trainable deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) for semantic segmentation with built-in awareness of semantically meaningful boundaries.

PixelNet: Representation of the pixels, by the pixels, and for the pixels

bdecost/pixelnet 21 Feb 2017

We explore design principles for general pixel-level prediction problems, from low-level edge detection to mid-level surface normal estimation to high-level semantic segmentation.

Multi-scale Processing of Noisy Images using Edge Preservation Losses

NatiOfir/DeepFaintEdges 26 Mar 2018

As our experiments show, we achieve high-quality results in the three aspects of faint edge detection, noisy image classification and natural image denoising.

Semantic Edge Detection with Diverse Deep Supervision

arsenal9971/shearlet_semantic_edge 9 Apr 2018

Semantic edge detection (SED), which aims at jointly extracting edges as well as their category information, has far-reaching applications in domains such as semantic segmentation, object proposal generation, and object recognition.

Adaptive edge detection algorithm for multi-focus application

trongan93/viplab-mip-multifocus 12 Jul 2018

This paper proposes a method of solving the problem of multi-focus through edge detection based on adaptive thresholding.

SRN: Side-output Residual Network for Object Reflection Symmetry Detection and Beyond

KevinKecc/SRN 17 Jul 2018

The end-to-end deep learning approach, referred to as a side-output residual network (SRN), leverages the output residual units (RUs) to fit the errors between the object ground-truth symmetry and the side-outputs of multiple stages.

Learning to predict crisp boundaries

yunfan1202/Delving-into-Crispness ECCV 2018

Recent methods for boundary or edge detection built on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) typically suffer from the issue of predicted edges being thick and need post-processing to obtain crisp boundaries.