Distributed Computing

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2 papers
2 papers


Scalable Agent-Based Modeling for Complex Financial Market Simulations

aaron-wheeler/tradingagents.jl 22 Dec 2023

To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to implement multiple assets, parallel agent decision-making, a continuous double auction mechanism, and intelligent agent types in a scalable real-time environment.

22 Dec 2023

FlexModel: A Framework for Interpretability of Distributed Large Language Models

vectorinstitute/flex_model 5 Dec 2023

With the growth of large language models, now incorporating billions of parameters, the hardware prerequisites for their training and deployment have seen a corresponding increase.

05 Dec 2023

Lockdown: Backdoor Defense for Federated Learning with Isolated Subspace Training

git-disl/lockdown NeurIPS 2023

However, our empirical study shows that traditional pruning-based solution suffers \textit{poison-coupling} effect in FL, which significantly degrades the defense performance. This paper presents Lockdown, an isolated subspace training method to mitigate the poison-coupling effect.

21 Sep 2023

Lockdown: Backdoor Defense for Federated Learning with Isolated Subspace Training

git-disl/lockdown 21 Sep 2023

However, our empirical study shows that traditional pruning-based solution suffers \textit{poison-coupling} effect in FL, which significantly degrades the defense performance. This paper presents Lockdown, an isolated subspace training method to mitigate the poison-coupling effect.

21 Sep 2023

Data-Juicer: A One-Stop Data Processing System for Large Language Models

alibaba/data-juicer 5 Sep 2023

A data recipe is a mixture of data from different sources for training LLMs, which plays a vital role in LLMs' performance.

05 Sep 2023

Distributed bundle adjustment with block-based sparse matrix compression for super large scale datasets

MozartZheng/DistributedBA ICCV 2023

Different from them, we utilize the exact LM algorithm to conduct global bundle adjustment where the formation of the reduced camera system (RCS) is actually parallelized and executed in a distributed way.

17 Jul 2023

Graph Convolution Based Efficient Re-Ranking for Visual Retrieval

WesleyZhang1991/GCN_rerank 15 Jun 2023

In particular, the plain GCR is extended for cross-camera retrieval and an improved feature propagation formulation is presented to leverage affinity relationships across different cameras.

15 Jun 2023

Architectural Vision for Quantum Computing in the Edge-Cloud Continuum

rezafuru/quantensplit 9 May 2023

We discuss the necessity, challenges, and solution approaches for extending existing work on classical edge computing to integrate QPUs.

09 May 2023

Cooperative Coevolution for Non-Separable Large-Scale Black-Box Optimization: Convergence Analyses and Distributed Accelerations

evolutionary-intelligence/dcc 11 Apr 2023

Given the ubiquity of non-separable optimization problems in real worlds, in this paper we analyze and extend the large-scale version of the well-known cooperative coevolution (CC), a divide-and-conquer black-box optimization framework, on non-separable functions.

11 Apr 2023