Image and Video Forgery Detection

4 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Capsule-Forensics: Using Capsule Networks to Detect Forged Images and Videos

nii-yamagishilab/Capsule-Forensics-v2 26 Oct 2018

Recent advances in media generation techniques have made it easier for attackers to create forged images and videos.

Use of a Capsule Network to Detect Fake Images and Videos

nii-yamagishilab/Capsule-Forensics-v2 28 Oct 2019

In this paper, we introduce a capsule network that can detect various kinds of attacks, from presentation attacks using printed images and replayed videos to attacks using fake videos created using deep learning.

Towards Robust Tampered Text Detection in Document Image: New Dataset and New Solution

qcf-568/doctamper CVPR 2023

In this paper, we propose a novel framework to capture more fine-grained clues in complex scenarios for tampered text detection, termed as Document Tampering Detector (DTD), which consists of a Frequency Perception Head (FPH) to compensate the deficiencies caused by the inconspicuous visual features, and a Multi-view Iterative Decoder (MID) for fully utilizing the information of features in different scales.

AutoSplice: A Text-prompt Manipulated Image Dataset for Media Forensics

shanface33/autosplice_dataset 14 Apr 2023

To achieve this, we propose a new approach that leverages the DALL-E2 language-image model to automatically generate and splice masked regions guided by a text prompt.