Dependency Parsing

322 papers with code • 14 benchmarks • 14 datasets

Dependency parsing is the task of extracting a dependency parse of a sentence that represents its grammatical structure and defines the relationships between "head" words and words, which modify those heads.


      | +-------dobj---------+
      | |                    |
nsubj | |   +------det-----+ | +-----nmod------+
+--+  | |   |              | | |               |
|  |  | |   |      +-nmod-+| | |      +-case-+ |
+  |  + |   +      +      || + |      +      | |
I  prefer  the  morning   flight  through  Denver

Relations among the words are illustrated above the sentence with directed, labeled arcs from heads to dependents (+ indicates the dependent).


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Most implemented papers

Learning Joint Semantic Parsers from Disjoint Data

Noahs-ARK/NeurboParser NAACL 2018

We present a new approach to learning semantic parsers from multiple datasets, even when the target semantic formalisms are drastically different, and the underlying corpora do not overlap.

From POS tagging to dependency parsing for biomedical event extraction

datquocnguyen/BioNLP 11 Aug 2018

Results: We perform an empirical study comparing state-of-the-art traditional feature-based and neural network-based models for two core natural language processing tasks of part-of-speech (POS) tagging and dependency parsing on two benchmark biomedical corpora, GENIA and CRAFT.

Semi-Supervised Sequence Modeling with Cross-View Training

tensorflow/models EMNLP 2018

We therefore propose Cross-View Training (CVT), a semi-supervised learning algorithm that improves the representations of a Bi-LSTM sentence encoder using a mix of labeled and unlabeled data.

Multi-source synthetic treebank creation for improved cross-lingual dependency parsing

ftyers/cross-lingual-parsing WS 2018

This paper describes a method of creating synthetic treebanks for cross-lingual dependency parsing using a combination of machine translation (including pivot translation), annotation projection and the spanning tree algorithm.

Glyce: Glyph-vectors for Chinese Character Representations

ShannonAI/glyce NeurIPS 2019

However, due to the lack of rich pictographic evidence in glyphs and the weak generalization ability of standard computer vision models on character data, an effective way to utilize the glyph information remains to be found.

Cross-Lingual Alignment of Contextual Word Embeddings, with Applications to Zero-shot Dependency Parsing

TalSchuster/CrossLingualELMo NAACL 2019

We introduce a novel method for multilingual transfer that utilizes deep contextual embeddings, pretrained in an unsupervised fashion.

Left-to-Right Dependency Parsing with Pointer Networks

danifg/Left2Right-Pointer-Parser 20 Mar 2019

We propose a novel transition-based algorithm that straightforwardly parses sentences from left to right by building $n$ attachments, with $n$ being the length of the input sentence.

Beto, Bentz, Becas: The Surprising Cross-Lingual Effectiveness of BERT

shijie-wu/crosslingual-nlp IJCNLP 2019

Pretrained contextual representation models (Peters et al., 2018; Devlin et al., 2018) have pushed forward the state-of-the-art on many NLP tasks.