Dependency Parsing

322 papers with code • 14 benchmarks • 14 datasets

Dependency parsing is the task of extracting a dependency parse of a sentence that represents its grammatical structure and defines the relationships between "head" words and words, which modify those heads.


      | +-------dobj---------+
      | |                    |
nsubj | |   +------det-----+ | +-----nmod------+
+--+  | |   |              | | |               |
|  |  | |   |      +-nmod-+| | |      +-case-+ |
+  |  + |   +      +      || + |      +      | |
I  prefer  the  morning   flight  through  Denver

Relations among the words are illustrated above the sentence with directed, labeled arcs from heads to dependents (+ indicates the dependent).


Use these libraries to find Dependency Parsing models and implementations

Advancing Hungarian Text Processing with HuSpaCy: Efficient and Accurate NLP Pipelines

oroszgy/spacy-hungarian-models 24 Aug 2023

This paper presents a set of industrial-grade text processing models for Hungarian that achieve near state-of-the-art performance while balancing resource efficiency and accuracy.

24 Aug 2023

GUIDO: A Hybrid Approach to Guideline Discovery & Ordering from Natural Language Texts

nils-freyer/guido 19 Jul 2023

Extracting workflow nets from textual descriptions can be used to simplify guidelines or formalize textual descriptions of formal processes like business processes and algorithms.

19 Jul 2023

Hexatagging: Projective Dependency Parsing as Tagging

rycolab/parsing-as-tagging 8 Jun 2023

We introduce a novel dependency parser, the hexatagger, that constructs dependency trees by tagging the words in a sentence with elements from a finite set of possible tags.

08 Jun 2023

GENTLE: A Genre-Diverse Multilayer Challenge Set for English NLP and Linguistic Evaluation

gucorpling/gentle 3 Jun 2023

We evaluate state-of-the-art NLP systems on GENTLE and find severe degradation for at least some genres in their performance on all tasks, which indicates GENTLE's utility as an evaluation dataset for NLP systems.

03 Jun 2023

A Pilot Study on Dialogue-Level Dependency Parsing for Chinese

zzoay/dialogdep 21 May 2023

Dialogue-level dependency parsing has received insufficient attention, especially for Chinese.

21 May 2023

CQE: A Comprehensive Quantity Extractor

vivkaz/cqe 15 May 2023

Compared to other information extraction approaches, interestingly only a few works exist that describe methods for a proper extraction and representation of quantities in text.

15 May 2023

Analyzing Vietnamese Legal Questions Using Deep Neural Networks with Biaffine Classifiers

anhtunguyen98/NER-biaffine ICONIP 2021

In this paper, we propose using deep neural networks to extract important information from Vietnamese legal questions, a fundamental task towards building a question answering system in the legal domain.

27 Apr 2023

BRENT: Bidirectional Retrieval Enhanced Norwegian Transformer

ltgoslo/brent 19 Apr 2023

After training, we also separate the language model, which we call the reader, from the retriever components, and show that this can be fine-tuned on a range of downstream tasks.

19 Apr 2023

Extracting Victim Counts from Text

mianzg/victim_counts 23 Feb 2023

We cast victim count extraction as a question answering (QA) task with a regression or classification objective.

23 Feb 2023

Generic Dependency Modeling for Multi-Party Conversation

shenwzh3/rede 21 Feb 2023

To model the dependencies between utterances in multi-party conversations, we propose a simple and generic framework based on the dependency parsing results of utterances.

21 Feb 2023