Crowd Counting

138 papers with code • 10 benchmarks • 19 datasets

Crowd Counting is a task to count people in image. It is mainly used in real-life for automated public monitoring such as surveillance and traffic control. Different from object detection, Crowd Counting aims at recognizing arbitrarily sized targets in various situations including sparse and cluttering scenes at the same time.

Source: Deep Density-aware Count Regressor

Latest papers with no code

A Unified Simulation Framework for Visual and Behavioral Fidelity in Crowd Analysis

no code yet • 5 Dec 2023

Simulation is a powerful tool to easily generate annotated data, and a highly desirable feature, especially in those domains where learning models need large training datasets.

Regressor-Segmenter Mutual Prompt Learning for Crowd Counting

no code yet • 4 Dec 2023

In this study, we propose mutual prompt learning (mPrompt), which leverages a regressor and a segmenter as guidance for each other, solving bias and inaccuracy caused by annotation variance while distinguishing foreground from background.

Learning Discriminative Features for Crowd Counting

no code yet • 8 Nov 2023

Crowd counting models in highly congested areas confront two main challenges: weak localization ability and difficulty in differentiating between foreground and background, leading to inaccurate estimations.

Deep Imbalanced Regression via Hierarchical Classification Adjustment

no code yet • 26 Oct 2023

To improve regression performance over the entire range of data, we propose to construct hierarchical classifiers for solving imbalanced regression tasks.

Crowd Counting in Harsh Weather using Image Denoising with Pix2Pix GANs

no code yet • 11 Oct 2023

Visual crowd counting estimates the density of the crowd using deep learning models such as convolution neural networks (CNNs).

Calibrating Uncertainty for Semi-Supervised Crowd Counting

no code yet • ICCV 2023

A popular approach is to iteratively generate pseudo-labels for unlabeled data and add them to the training set.

Counting Crowds in Bad Weather

no code yet • ICCV 2023

Crowd counting has recently attracted significant attention in the field of computer vision due to its wide applications to image understanding.

Accurate Gigapixel Crowd Counting by Iterative Zooming and Refinement

no code yet • 16 May 2023

The increasing prevalence of gigapixel resolutions has presented new challenges for crowd counting.

Why Existing Multimodal Crowd Counting Datasets Can Lead to Unfulfilled Expectations in Real-World Applications

no code yet • 13 Apr 2023

The key components of the monomodal architecture are also used in the multimodal architectures to be able to answer whether multimodal models perform better in crowd counting in general.

Crowd Counting with Sparse Annotation

no code yet • 12 Apr 2023

This paper presents a new annotation method called Sparse Annotation (SA) for crowd counting, which reduces human labeling efforts by sparsely labeling individuals in an image.