Cross-Domain Few-Shot

55 papers with code • 9 benchmarks • 6 datasets

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Latest papers with no code

Deep Learning for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Visual Recognition: A Survey

no code yet • 15 Mar 2023

Deep learning has been highly successful in computer vision with large amounts of labeled data, but struggles with limited labeled training data.

Exploiting Style Transfer-based Task Augmentation for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning

no code yet • 19 Jan 2023

Motivated by the observation that the domain shift between training tasks and target tasks usually can reflect in their style variation, we propose Task Augmented Meta-Learning (TAML) to conduct style transfer-based task augmentation to improve the domain generalization ability.

ProD: Prompting-To-Disentangle Domain Knowledge for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Image Classification

no code yet • CVPR 2023

Based on these two common practices, the key point of ProD is using the prompting mechanism in the transformer to disentangle the domain-general (DG) and domain-specific (DS) knowledge from the backbone feature.

Task-aware Adaptive Learning for Cross-domain Few-shot Learning

no code yet • ICCV 2023

In this paper, we first observe the dependence of task-specific parameter configuration on the target task.

Cap2Aug: Caption guided Image to Image data Augmentation

no code yet • 11 Dec 2022

We generate captions from the limited training images and using these captions edit the training images using an image-to-image stable diffusion model to generate semantically meaningful augmentations.

Cross-Domain Few-Shot Relation Extraction via Representation Learning and Domain Adaptation

no code yet • 5 Dec 2022

Since the prototype is necessary for obtaining relationships between entities in the latent space, we suggest learning more interpretable and efficient prototypes from prior knowledge and the intrinsic semantics of relations to extract new relations in various domains more effectively.

Cross-domain Few-shot Segmentation with Transductive Fine-tuning

no code yet • 27 Nov 2022

Few-shot segmentation (FSS) expects models trained on base classes to work on novel classes with the help of a few support images.

Cross-Domain Few-Shot Classification via Inter-Source Stylization

no code yet • 17 Aug 2022

The goal of Cross-Domain Few-Shot Classification (CDFSC) is to accurately classify a target dataset with limited labelled data by exploiting the knowledge of a richly labelled auxiliary dataset, despite the differences between the domains of the two datasets.

ReFine: Re-randomization before Fine-tuning for Cross-domain Few-shot Learning

no code yet • 11 May 2022

Cross-domain few-shot learning (CD-FSL), where there are few target samples under extreme differences between source and target domains, has recently attracted huge attention.

A Framework of Meta Functional Learning for Regularising Knowledge Transfer

no code yet • 28 Mar 2022

The MFL computes meta-knowledge on functional regularisation generalisable to different learning tasks by which functional training on limited labelled data promotes more discriminative functions to be learned.