Crack Segmentation

12 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

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Most implemented papers

CrackSeg9k: A Collection and Benchmark for Crack Segmentation Datasets and Frameworks

Dhananjay42/crackseg9k 27 Aug 2022

We also present a pipeline that combines Image Processing and Deep Learning models.

Crack Detection as a Weakly-Supervised Problem: Towards Achieving Less Annotation-Intensive Crack Detectors

hitachi-rd-cv/weakly-sup-crackdet 4 Nov 2020

Automatic crack detection is a critical task that has the potential to drastically reduce labor-intensive building and road inspections currently being done manually.

CrackFormer: Transformer Network for Fine-Grained Crack Detection

LouisNUST/CrackFormer-II ICCV 2021

The CrackFormer is composed of novel attention modules in a SegNet-like encoder-decoder architecture.

Weakly-Supervised Surface Crack Segmentation by Generating Pseudo-Labels using Localization with a Classifier and Thresholding

jacobkoenig/WeaklySupervisedCrackSeg 1 Sep 2021

Our work proposes a weakly supervised approach that leverages a CNN classifier in a novel way to create surface crack pseudo labels.

Local Intensity Order Transformation for Robust Curvilinear Object Segmentation

ty-shi/liot 25 Feb 2022

This results in a representation that preserves the inherent characteristic of the curvilinear structure while being robust to contrast changes.

Learning-Based Defect Recognitions for Autonomous UAV Inspections

KangchengLiu/Crack-Detection-and-Segmentation-Dataset-for-UAV-Inspection 13 Feb 2023

We have summarized the existing crack detection and segmentation datasets and established the largest existing benchmark dataset on the internet for crack detection and segmentation, which is open-sourced for the research community.

Joint Learning of Blind Super-Resolution and Crack Segmentation for Realistic Degraded Images

yuki-11/csbsr 24 Feb 2023

This paper proposes crack segmentation augmented by super resolution (SR) with deep neural networks.

Infrastructure Crack Segmentation: Boundary Guidance Method and Benchmark Dataset

hzlbbfrog/bgcrack 15 Jun 2023

Cracks provide an essential indicator of infrastructure performance degradation, and achieving high-precision pixel-level crack segmentation is an issue of concern.

Real-time High-Resolution Neural Network with Semantic Guidance for Crack Segmentation

CHDyshli/HrSegNet4CrackSegmentation 1 Jul 2023

Deep learning plays an important role in crack segmentation, but most work utilize off-the-shelf or improved models that have not been specifically developed for this task.