Coreference Resolution

258 papers with code • 16 benchmarks • 43 datasets

Coreference resolution is the task of clustering mentions in text that refer to the same underlying real world entities.


               |           |
I voted for Obama because he was most aligned with my values", she said.
 |                                                 |            |

"I", "my", and "she" belong to the same cluster and "Obama" and "he" belong to the same cluster.

CHAMP: Efficient Annotation and Consolidation of Cluster Hierarchies

ariecattan/champ 19 Nov 2023

Various NLP tasks require a complex hierarchical structure over nodes, where each node is a cluster of items.

19 Nov 2023

Investigating Multilingual Coreference Resolution by Universal Annotations

haixiachai/multi-coref 26 Oct 2023

Multilingual coreference resolution (MCR) has been a long-standing and challenging task.

26 Oct 2023

CorefPrompt: Prompt-based Event Coreference Resolution by Measuring Event Type and Argument Compatibilities

jsksxs360/prompt-event-coref-emnlp2023 23 Oct 2023

Event coreference resolution (ECR) aims to group event mentions referring to the same real-world event into clusters.

23 Oct 2023

Seq2seq is All You Need for Coreference Resolution

wenzhengzhang/seq2seqcoref 20 Oct 2023

Existing works on coreference resolution suggest that task-specific models are necessary to achieve state-of-the-art performance.

20 Oct 2023

Semi-supervised multimodal coreference resolution in image narrations

vico-uoe/cin-ssl 20 Oct 2023

In this paper, we study multimodal coreference resolution, specifically where a longer descriptive text, i. e., a narration is paired with an image.

20 Oct 2023

CAW-coref: Conjunction-Aware Word-level Coreference Resolution

kareldo/wl-coref 9 Oct 2023

State-of-the-art coreference resolutions systems depend on multiple LLM calls per document and are thus prohibitively expensive for many use cases (e. g., information extraction with large corpora).

09 Oct 2023

Incorporating Singletons and Mention-based Features in Coreference Resolution via Multi-task Learning for Better Generalization

yilunzhu/coref-mtl 20 Sep 2023

Previous attempts to incorporate a mention detection step into end-to-end neural coreference resolution for English have been hampered by the lack of singleton mention span data as well as other entity information.

20 Sep 2023

Collecting Visually-Grounded Dialogue with A Game Of Sorts

willemsenbram/a-game-of-sorts LREC 2022

We address these concerns by introducing a collaborative image ranking task, a grounded agreement game we call "A Game Of Sorts".

10 Sep 2023

RGAT: A Deeper Look into Syntactic Dependency Information for Coreference Resolution

qingtian5/rgat_with_bert 10 Sep 2023

Our experiments on a public Gendered Ambiguous Pronouns (GAP) dataset show that with the supervision learning of the syntactic dependency graph and without fine-tuning the entire BERT, we increased the F1-score of the previous best model (RGCN-with-BERT) from 80. 3% to 82. 5%, compared to the F1-score by single BERT embeddings from 78. 5% to 82. 5%.

10 Sep 2023

Similarity-based Memory Enhanced Joint Entity and Relation Extraction

kosciukiewicz/similarity_based_memory_re 14 Jul 2023

Document-level joint entity and relation extraction is a challenging information extraction problem that requires a unified approach where a single neural network performs four sub-tasks: mention detection, coreference resolution, entity classification, and relation extraction.

14 Jul 2023