Constituency Parsing

73 papers with code • 4 benchmarks • 6 datasets

Constituency parsing aims to extract a constituency-based parse tree from a sentence that represents its syntactic structure according to a phrase structure grammar.


             Sentence (S)
   |                          |
 Noun (N)                Verb Phrase (VP)
   |                          |
 John                 +-------+--------+
                      |                |
                    Verb (V)         Noun (N)
                      |                |
                    sees              Bill

Recent approaches convert the parse tree into a sequence following a depth-first traversal in order to be able to apply sequence-to-sequence models to it. The linearized version of the above parse tree looks as follows: (S (N) (VP V N)).

Structured Tree Alignment for Evaluation of (Speech) Constituency Parsing

explorerfreda/struct-iou 21 Feb 2024

We present the structured average intersection-over-union ratio (STRUCT-IOU), a similarity metric between constituency parse trees motivated by the problem of evaluating speech parsers.

21 Feb 2024

LLM-enhanced Self-training for Cross-domain Constituency Parsing

jianlingl/llm_st_constparsing 5 Nov 2023

Our experimental results demonstrate that self-training for constituency parsing, equipped with an LLM, outperforms traditional methods regardless of the LLM's performance.

05 Nov 2023

Simple Hardware-Efficient PCFGs with Independent Left and Right Productions

sustcsonglin/TN-PCFG 23 Oct 2023

Scaling dense PCFGs to thousands of nonterminals via a low-rank parameterization of the rule probability tensor has been shown to be beneficial for unsupervised parsing.

23 Oct 2023

DepNeCTI: Dependency-based Nested Compound Type Identification for Sanskrit

yaswanth-iitkgp/depnecti 14 Oct 2023

This work introduces the novel task of nested compound type identification (NeCTI), which aims to identify nested spans of a multi-component compound and decode the implicit semantic relations between them.

14 Oct 2023

Ensemble Distillation for Unsupervised Constituency Parsing

manga-uofa/ed4ucp 3 Oct 2023

We investigate the unsupervised constituency parsing task, which organizes words and phrases of a sentence into a hierarchical structure without using linguistically annotated data.

03 Oct 2023

Grammar-Constrained Decoding for Structured NLP Tasks without Finetuning

uiuc-focal-lab/syncode 23 May 2023

In this work, we demonstrate that formal grammars can describe the output space for a much wider range of tasks and argue that GCD can serve as a unified framework for structured NLP tasks in general.

23 May 2023

Approximating CKY with Transformers

ghazalkhalighinejad/approximating-cky 3 May 2023

We investigate the ability of transformer models to approximate the CKY algorithm, using them to directly predict a sentence's parse and thus avoid the CKY algorithm's cubic dependence on sentence length.

03 May 2023

Cascading and Direct Approaches to Unsupervised Constituency Parsing on Spoken Sentences

roger-tseng/speech-parsing 15 Mar 2023

The goal is to determine the spoken sentences' hierarchical syntactic structure in the form of constituency parse trees, such that each node is a span of audio that corresponds to a constituent.

15 Mar 2023

Unsupervised Discontinuous Constituency Parsing with Mildly Context-Sensitive Grammars

sustcsonglin/tn-lcfrs 18 Dec 2022

We study grammar induction with mildly context-sensitive grammars for unsupervised discontinuous parsing.

18 Dec 2022

On Parsing as Tagging

rycolab/parsing-as-tagging 14 Nov 2022

There have been many proposals to reduce constituency parsing to tagging in the literature.

14 Nov 2022