Community Detection

227 papers with code • 14 benchmarks • 12 datasets

Community Detection is one of the fundamental problems in network analysis, where the goal is to find groups of nodes that are, in some sense, more similar to each other than to the other nodes.

Source: Randomized Spectral Clustering in Large-Scale Stochastic Block Models


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Most implemented papers

CayleyNets: Graph Convolutional Neural Networks with Complex Rational Spectral Filters

amoliu/CayleyNet 22 May 2017

The rise of graph-structured data such as social networks, regulatory networks, citation graphs, and functional brain networks, in combination with resounding success of deep learning in various applications, has brought the interest in generalizing deep learning models to non-Euclidean domains.

Ego-splitting Framework: from Non-Overlapping to Overlapping Clusters

benedekrozemberczki/karateclub KDD 2017

More precisely, our framework works in two steps: a local ego-net analysis phase, and a global graph partitioning phase .

Community detection with spiking neural networks for neuromorphic hardware

abasak24/ece594Neuromorphic 20 Nov 2017

Using a fully connected spiking neuron system, with both inhibitory and excitatory synaptic connections, the firing patterns of neurons within the same community can be distinguished from firing patterns of neurons in different communities.

Fast Sequence Based Embedding with Diffusion Graphs

benedekrozemberczki/karateclub CompleNet 2018

A graph embedding is a representation of the vertices of a graph in a low dimensional space, which approximately preserves proper-ties such as distances between nodes.

Deep Autoencoder-like Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Community Detection

benedekrozemberczki/karateclub CIKM 2018

Considering the complicated and diversified topology structures of real-world networks, it is highly possible that the mapping between the original network and the community membership space contains rather complex hierarchical information, which cannot be interpreted by classic shallow NMF-based approaches.

Streaming Graph Neural Networks

alge24/DyGNN 24 Oct 2018

Current graph neural network models cannot utilize the dynamic information in dynamic graphs.

Community Detection with Graph Neural Networks

joanbruna/GNN_community ICLR 2018

This graph inference task can be recast as a node-wise graph classification problem, and, as such, computational detection thresholds can be translated in terms of learning within appropriate models.

Ensemble Clustering for Graphs: Comparisons and Applications

ftheberge/graph-partition-and-measures 19 Mar 2019

We recently proposed a new ensemble clustering algorithm for graphs (ECG) based on the concept of consensus clustering.

Position-aware Graph Neural Networks

JiaxuanYou/P-GNN 11 Jun 2019

Learning node embeddings that capture a node's position within the broader graph structure is crucial for many prediction tasks on graphs.

From Node Embedding To Community Embedding : A Hyperbolic Approach

drewwilimitis/hyperbolic-learning 2 Jul 2019

Considering the success of hyperbolic representations of graph-structured data in last years, an ongoing challenge is to set up a hyperbolic approach for the community detection problem.