Color Constancy

35 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 5 datasets

Color Constancy is the ability of the human vision system to perceive the colors of the objects in the scene largely invariant to the color of the light source. The task of computational Color Constancy is to estimate the scene illumination and then perform the chromatic adaptation in order to remove the influence of the illumination color on the colors of the objects in the scene.

Source: CroP: Color Constancy Benchmark Dataset Generator

Most implemented papers

INTEL-TAU: A Color Constancy Dataset

firasl/BoCF 23 Oct 2019

In this paper, we describe a new large dataset for illumination estimation.

What Else Can Fool Deep Learning? Addressing Color Constancy Errors on Deep Neural Network Performance

mahmoudnafifi/WB_color_augmenter ICCV 2019

There is active research targeting local image manipulations that can fool deep neural networks (DNNs) into producing incorrect results.

Cascading Convolutional Color Constancy

yhlscut/C4 24 Dec 2019

Regressing the illumination of a scene from the representations of object appearances is popularly adopted in computational color constancy.

A Multi-Hypothesis Approach to Color Constancy

huawei-noah/multi_hyp_cc CVPR 2020

Firstly, we select a set of candidate scene illuminants in a data-driven fashion and apply them to a target image to generate of set of corrected images.

Multi-Domain Learning for Accurate and Few-Shot Color Constancy

msxiaojin/MDLCC CVPR 2020

Given a new unseen device with limited number of training samples, our method is capable of delivering accurate color constancy by merely learning the camera-specific parameters from the few-shot dataset.

An Improved Air-Light Estimation Scheme for Single Haze Images Using Color Constancy Prior

sidharthscorpio/color-constancy-prior 21 Sep 2020

Hazy environment attenuates the scene radiance and causes difficulty in distinguishing the color and texture of the scene.

The Cube++ Illumination Estimation Dataset

Visillect/CubePlusPlus 19 Nov 2020

In this paper, a new illumination estimation dataset is proposed that aims to alleviate many of the mentioned problems and to help the illumination estimation research.

Cross-Camera Convolutional Color Constancy

mahmoudnafifi/C5 ICCV 2021

We present "Cross-Camera Convolutional Color Constancy" (C5), a learning-based method, trained on images from multiple cameras, that accurately estimates a scene's illuminant color from raw images captured by a new camera previously unseen during training.

Deep Neural Models for color discrimination and color constancy

AlbanFlachot/color_constancy 28 Dec 2020

High levels of color constancy were achieved with different DNN architectures.

STAR: A Structure-Aware Lightweight Transformer for Real-Time Image Enhancement

zzyfd/STAR-pytorch ICCV 2021

STAR is a general architecture that can be easily adapted to different image enhancement tasks.