Causal Discovery

203 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 3 datasets

( Image credit: TCDF )


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Most implemented papers

gCastle: A Python Toolbox for Causal Discovery

huawei-noah/trustworthyAI 30 Nov 2021

$\texttt{gCastle}$ is an end-to-end Python toolbox for causal structure learning.

GFlowCausal: Generative Flow Networks for Causal Discovery

Mind23-2/MindCode-4 15 Oct 2022

Causal discovery aims to uncover causal structure among a set of variables.

CausalBench: A Large-scale Benchmark for Network Inference from Single-cell Perturbation Data

causalbench/causalbench 31 Oct 2022

Traditional evaluations conducted on synthetic datasets do not reflect the performance in real-world systems.

causalgraph: A Python Package for Modeling, Persisting and Visualizing Causal Graphs Embedded in Knowledge Graphs

causalgraph/causalgraph 20 Jan 2023

This paper describes a novel Python package, named causalgraph, for modeling and saving causal graphs embedded in knowledge graphs.

Order-based Structure Learning with Normalizing Flows

vahidzee/ocdaf 14 Aug 2023

Estimating the causal structure of observational data is a challenging combinatorial search problem that scales super-exponentially with graph size.

Missing Data Imputation Based on Dynamically Adaptable Structural Equation Modeling with Self-Attention

oudeng/sesa 23 Aug 2023

Addressing missing data in complex datasets including electronic health records (EHR) is critical for ensuring accurate analysis and decision-making in healthcare.

Robustness of Algorithms for Causal Structure Learning to Hyperparameter Choice

misoc-mml/hyperparams-causal-discovery 27 Oct 2023

We find that, while the choice of algorithm remains crucial to obtaining state-of-the-art performance, hyperparameter selection in ensemble settings strongly influences the choice of algorithm, in that a poor choice of hyperparameters can lead to analysts using algorithms which do not give state-of-the-art performance for their data.

ROS-Causal: A ROS-based Causal Analysis Framework for Human-Robot Interaction Applications

lcastri/ros-causal_hrisim 25 Feb 2024

Deploying robots in human-shared spaces requires understanding interactions among nearby agents and objects.

The Causal Chambers: Real Physical Systems as a Testbed for AI Methodology

juangamella/causal-chamber-paper 17 Apr 2024

The devices, which we call causal chambers, are computer-controlled laboratories that allow us to manipulate and measure an array of variables from these physical systems, providing a rich testbed for algorithms from a variety of fields.

Dependence versus Conditional Dependence in Local Causal Discovery from Gene Expression Data

ericstrobl/DvCD 28 Jul 2014

However, the proposed algorithm using a CDM outperforms the proposed algorithm using a DM only when sample sizes are above several hundred.