Cancer-no cancer per breast classification

2 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 2 datasets

Two view cancer-no cancer classification. In mammography exams, two images from each breast are taken (CC and MLO views). The model then takes as input the two and predicts a class pre breast.

Most implemented papers

Breast Cancer Diagnosis in Two-View Mammography Using End-to-End Trained EfficientNet-Based Convolutional Network

dpetrini/two-views-classifier IEEE Access 2022

To ensure statistical robustness, we test our system twice using: (a) 5-fold cross validation; and (b) the original training/test division of the dataset.

Multi-View Hypercomplex Learning for Breast Cancer Screening

ispamm/phbreast 12 Apr 2022

To overcome such limitations, in this paper, we propose a methodological approach for multi-view breast cancer classification based on parameterized hypercomplex neural networks.