Board Games

43 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 2 datasets

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Latest papers with no code

Evolutionary Tabletop Game Design: A Case Study in the Risk Game

no code yet • 30 Oct 2023

Evolutionary game design, which combines evolutionary algorithms with automated playtesting, has been used to create novel board games with simple equipment; however, the original approach does not include complex tabletop games with dice, cards, and maps.

AlphaZero Gomoku

no code yet • 4 Sep 2023

In the past few years, AlphaZero's exceptional capability in mastering intricate board games has garnered considerable interest.

Bootstrapping Developmental AIs: From Simple Competences to Intelligent Human-Compatible AIs

no code yet • 8 Aug 2023

The mainstream AIs approaches are the generative and deep learning approaches with large language models (LLMs) and the manually constructed symbolic approach.

Stimulating student engagement with an AI board game tournament

no code yet • 22 Apr 2023

Strong foundations in basic AI techniques are key to understanding more advanced concepts.

Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning: A Survey

no code yet • 7 Mar 2023

This article presents a comprehensive survey of state-of-the-art methods for integrating EC into RL, referred to as evolutionary reinforcement learning (EvoRL).

Building Concise Logical Patterns by Constraining Tsetlin Machine Clause Size

no code yet • 19 Jan 2023

This paper introduces a novel variant of TM learning - Clause Size Constrained TMs (CSC-TMs) - where one can set a soft constraint on the clause size.

Measuring Board Game Distance

no code yet • 10 Jan 2023

This paper presents a general approach for measuring distances between board games within the Ludii general game system.

Generalised agent for solving higher board states of tic tac toe using Reinforcement Learning

no code yet • 23 Dec 2022

The majority of the latest research on how to solve a tic tac toe board state employs strategies such as Genetic Algorithms, Neural Networks, Co-Evolution, and Evolutionary Programming.

Teacher-student curriculum learning for reinforcement learning

no code yet • 31 Oct 2022

With our method, we can improve the sample efficiency and generality of the student compared to tabula-rasa reinforcement learning.