Autonomous Vehicles

534 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 27 datasets

Autonomous vehicles is the task of making a vehicle that can guide itself without human conduction.

Many of the state-of-the-art results can be found at more general task pages such as 3D Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation.

( Image credit: GSNet: Joint Vehicle Pose and Shape Reconstruction with Geometrical and Scene-aware Supervision )


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Most implemented papers

On the Importance of Stereo for Accurate Depth Estimation: An Efficient Semi-Supervised Deep Neural Network Approach

NVIDIA-Jetson/redtail 26 Mar 2018

Despite the progress on monocular depth estimation in recent years, we show that the gap between monocular and stereo depth accuracy remains large$-$a particularly relevant result due to the prevalent reliance upon monocular cameras by vehicles that are expected to be self-driving.

Gaussian YOLOv3: An Accurate and Fast Object Detector Using Localization Uncertainty for Autonomous Driving

jwchoi384/Gaussian_YOLOv3 ICCV 2019

Therefore, a detection algorithm that can cope with mislocalizations is required in autonomous driving applications.

Scalable Scene Flow from Point Clouds in the Real World

kth-rpl/deflow 1 Mar 2021

In this work, we introduce a new large-scale dataset for scene flow estimation derived from corresponding tracked 3D objects, which is $\sim$1, 000$\times$ larger than previous real-world datasets in terms of the number of annotated frames.

Learning to Map Vehicles into Bird's Eye View

cciprianmihai/Self_Driving_Car_NanoDegree_P2_AdvancedLaneLines 26 Jun 2017

Awareness of the road scene is an essential component for both autonomous vehicles and Advances Driver Assistance Systems and is gaining importance both for the academia and car companies.

HP-GAN: Probabilistic 3D human motion prediction via GAN

ebarsoum/hpgan 27 Nov 2017

Our model, which we call HP-GAN, learns a probability density function of future human poses conditioned on previous poses.

No Blind Spots: Full-Surround Multi-Object Tracking for Autonomous Vehicles using Cameras & LiDARs

ken-power/SensorFusionND-3D-Object-Tracking 23 Feb 2018

In this paper, we present a modular framework for tracking multiple objects (vehicles), capable of accepting object proposals from different sensor modalities (vision and range) and a variable number of sensors, to produce continuous object tracks.

ShapeShifter: Robust Physical Adversarial Attack on Faster R-CNN Object Detector

shangtse/robust-physical-attack 16 Apr 2018

Given the ability to directly manipulate image pixels in the digital input space, an adversary can easily generate imperceptible perturbations to fool a Deep Neural Network (DNN) image classifier, as demonstrated in prior work.

Formal Security Analysis of Neural Networks using Symbolic Intervals

tcwangshiqi-columbia/ReluVal 28 Apr 2018

In this paper, we present a new direction for formally checking security properties of DNNs without using SMT solvers.

Argoverse: 3D Tracking and Forecasting with Rich Maps

argoai/argoverse-api CVPR 2019

In our baseline experiments, we illustrate how detailed map information such as lane direction, driveable area, and ground height improves the accuracy of 3D object tracking and motion forecasting.

One Thousand and One Hours: Self-driving Motion Prediction Dataset

wenkaip-1836890/pyromid_l5prediction 25 Jun 2020

Motivated by the impact of large-scale datasets on ML systems we present the largest self-driving dataset for motion prediction to date, containing over 1, 000 hours of data.