Audio Source Separation

44 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 14 datasets

Audio Source Separation is the process of separating a mixture (e.g. a pop band recording) into isolated sounds from individual sources (e.g. just the lead vocals).

Source: Model selection for deep audio source separation via clustering analysis

Most implemented papers

Directional Sparse Filtering using Weighted Lehmer Mean for Blind Separation of Unbalanced Speech Mixtures

karnwatcharasupat/directional-sparse-filtering-tf 30 Jan 2021

In blind source separation of speech signals, the inherent imbalance in the source spectrum poses a challenge for methods that rely on single-source dominance for the estimation of the mixing matrix.

Unsupervised Music Source Separation Using Differentiable Parametric Source Models

schufo/umss 24 Jan 2022

Integrating domain knowledge in the form of source models into a data-driven method leads to high data efficiency: the proposed approach achieves good separation quality even when trained on less than three minutes of audio.

Generalization Challenges for Neural Architectures in Audio Source Separation

ShariqM/source_separation 23 Mar 2018

Recent work has shown that recurrent neural networks can be trained to separate individual speakers in a sound mixture with high fidelity.

Audio-Visual Scene Analysis with Self-Supervised Multisensory Features

andrewowens/multisensory ECCV 2018

The thud of a bouncing ball, the onset of speech as lips open -- when visual and audio events occur together, it suggests that there might be a common, underlying event that produced both signals.

Sparse Gaussian Process Audio Source Separation Using Spectrum Priors in the Time-Domain

PabloAlvarado/ssgp 30 Oct 2018

As a result, source separation GP models have been restricted to the analysis of short audio frames.

Audio Source Separation Using Variational Autoencoders and Weak Class Supervision

ertug/Weak_Class_Source_Separation 31 Oct 2018

In this paper, we propose a source separation method that is trained by observing the mixtures and the class labels of the sources present in the mixture without any access to isolated sources.

Training Generative Adversarial Networks from Incomplete Observations using Factorised Discriminators

f90/FactorGAN ICLR 2020

We apply our method to image generation, image segmentation and audio source separation, and obtain improved performance over a standard GAN when additional incomplete training examples are available.

A Provably Correct and Robust Algorithm for Convolutive Nonnegative Matrix Factorization

degleris1/CMF.jl 17 Jun 2019

We present an algorithm that takes advantage of the NMF model underlying CNMF and exploits existing algorithms for separable NMF to provably find a solution under certain conditions.

Sams-Net: A Sliced Attention-based Neural Network for Music Source Separation

chenjiawei5/Contribute_Paper 12 Sep 2019

Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) or Long short-term memory (LSTM) based models with the input of spectrogram or waveforms are commonly used for deep learning based audio source separation.

Retrieving Signals in the Frequency Domain with Deep Complex Extractors

FourierSignalRetrievalICLR2020/FourierExtraction 25 Sep 2019

Using the Wall Street Journal Dataset, we compare our phase-aware loss to several others that operate both in the time and frequency domains and demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed signal extraction method and proposed loss.