Aspect-Sentiment-Opinion Triplet Extraction

3 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 0 datasets

Aspect-Sentiment-Opinion Triplet Extraction (ASOTE) extracts aspect term, sentiment and opinion term triplets from sentences. In the triplet extracted by ASOTE the sentiment is the sentiment of the aspect term and opinion term pair.

Most implemented papers

A More Fine-Grained Aspect-Sentiment-Opinion Triplet Extraction Task

l294265421/ASOTE 29 Mar 2021

Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction (ASTE) aims to extract aspect term, sentiment and opinion term triplets from sentences and tries to provide a complete solution for aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA).

Grid Tagging Scheme for Aspect-oriented Fine-grained Opinion Extraction

NJUNLP/GTS Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2020

To validate the feasibility and compatibility of GTS, we implement three different GTS models respectively based on CNN, BiLSTM, and BERT, and conduct experiments on the aspect-oriented opinion pair extraction and opinion triplet extraction datasets.

MvP: Multi-view Prompting Improves Aspect Sentiment Tuple Prediction

ZubinGou/multi-view-prompting 22 May 2023

Generative methods greatly promote aspect-based sentiment analysis via generating a sequence of sentiment elements in a specified format.