Activity Prediction

24 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 2 datasets

Predict human activities in videos

Most implemented papers

Can x2vec Save Lives? Integrating Graph and Language Embeddings for Automatic Mental Health Classification

AlexMRuch/Can-x2vec-Save-Lives 4 Jan 2020

Visualizing graph embeddings annotated with predictions of potentially suicidal individuals shows the integrated model could classify such individuals even if they are positioned far from the support group.

Group Activity Prediction with Sequential Relational Anticipation Model

junwenchen/GAP_SRAM ECCV 2020

Our model explicitly anticipates both activity features and positions by two graph auto-encoders, aiming to learn a discriminative group representation for group activity prediction.

XNAP: Making LSTM-based Next Activity Predictions Explainable by Using LRP

fau-is/xnap 18 Aug 2020

PBPM techniques aim to improve process performance by providing predictions to process analysts, supporting them in their decision making.

Prescriptive Business Process Monitoring for Recommending Next Best Actions

fau-is/next-best-action 19 Aug 2020

We present a PrBPM technique that transforms the next most likely activities into the next best actions regarding a given KPI.

Learning to Abstract and Predict Human Actions

RomeroBarata/hierarchical_action_prediction 20 Aug 2020

We propose Hierarchical Encoder-Refresher-Anticipator, a multi-level neural machine that can learn the structure of human activities by observing a partial hierarchy of events and roll-out such structure into a future prediction in multiple levels of abstraction.

Meta-HAR: Federated Representation Learning for Human Activity Recognition

Chain123/Meta-HAR 31 May 2021

However, the effectiveness of federated learning for HAR is affected by the fact that each user has different activity types and even a different signal distribution for the same activity type.

The Analysis of Online Event Streams: Predicting the Next Activity for Anomaly Detection

ghksdl6025/streaming_anomaly_detect 17 Mar 2022

We compare these predictive anomaly detection methods to four classical unsupervised anomaly detection approaches (such as Isolation forest and LOF) in the online setting.

DisenHCN: Disentangled Hypergraph Convolutional Networks for Spatiotemporal Activity Prediction

yf-li15/DisenHCN 14 Aug 2022

In particular, we first unify the fine-grained user similarity and the complex matching between user preferences and spatiotemporal activity into a heterogeneous hypergraph.

UBIWEAR: An end-to-end, data-driven framework for intelligent physical activity prediction to empower mHealth interventions

stergiosbamp/deep-physical-activity-prediction 30 Dec 2022

To this end, we propose UBIWEAR, an end-to-end framework for intelligent physical activity prediction, with the ultimate goal to empower data-driven goal-setting interventions.

Enhancing Activity Prediction Models in Drug Discovery with the Ability to Understand Human Language

ml-jku/clamp 6 Mar 2023

Activity and property prediction models are the central workhorses in drug discovery and materials sciences, but currently they have to be trained or fine-tuned for new tasks.