Accented Speech Recognition

5 papers with code • 4 benchmarks • 1 datasets

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Unsupervised Accent Adaptation Through Masked Language Model Correction Of Discrete Self-Supervised Speech Units

no code yet • 25 Sep 2023

Self-supervised pre-trained speech models have strongly improved speech recognition, yet they are still sensitive to domain shifts and accented or atypical speech.

Multi-pass Training and Cross-information Fusion for Low-resource End-to-end Accented Speech Recognition

no code yet • 20 Jun 2023

Moreover, we propose to train the Aformer in a multi-pass manner, and investigate three cross-information fusion methods to effectively combine the information from both general and accent encoders.

Improving Accented Speech Recognition with Multi-Domain Training

no code yet • 14 Mar 2023

Thanks to the rise of self-supervised learning, automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems now achieve near-human performance on a wide variety of datasets.

Low-resource Accent Classification in Geographically-proximate Settings: A Forensic and Sociophonetics Perspective

no code yet • 26 Jun 2022

Accented speech recognition and accent classification are relatively under-explored research areas in speech technology.

Accented Speech Recognition: Benchmarking, Pre-training, and Diverse Data

no code yet • 16 May 2022

However, there are not enough data sets for accented speech, and for the ones that are already available, more training approaches need to be explored to improve the quality of accented speech recognition.

Improving Accent Identification and Accented Speech Recognition Under a Framework of Self-supervised Learning

no code yet • 15 Sep 2021

For the former task, a standard deviation constraint loss (SDC-loss) based end-to-end (E2E) architecture is proposed to identify accents under the same language.

Supervised Contrastive Learning for Accented Speech Recognition

no code yet • 2 Jul 2021

Neural network based speech recognition systems suffer from performance degradation due to accented speech, especially unfamiliar accents.

Accented Speech Recognition: A Survey

no code yet • 21 Apr 2021

Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems generalize poorly on accented speech.

Accented Speech Recognition Inspired by Human Perception

no code yet • 9 Apr 2021

This paper explores methods that are inspired by human perception to evaluate possible performance improvements for recognition of accented speech, with a specific focus on recognizing speech with a novel accent relative to that of the training data.

Best of Both Worlds: Robust Accented Speech Recognition with Adversarial Transfer Learning

no code yet • 10 Mar 2021

Training deep neural networks for automatic speech recognition (ASR) requires large amounts of transcribed speech.