A-VB Culture

2 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 1 datasets

In the A-VB Culture track, participants will be challenged with predicting the intensity of 10 emotions associated with each vocal burst as a multi-output regression task, using a model or multiple models that generate predictions specific to each of the four cultures (the U.S., China, Venezuela, or South Africa). Specifically, annotations of each vocal burst will consist of culture-specific ground truth, meaning that the ground truth for each sample will be the average of annotations solely from the country of origin of the sample. Participants will report the average Concordance Correlation Coefficient (CCC), as well as the Pearson correlation coefficient, across all 10 emotions. The baseline for this challenge will be based on CCC.


Most implemented papers

The ACII 2022 Affective Vocal Bursts Workshop & Competition: Understanding a critically understudied modality of emotional expression

humeai/competitions 7 Jul 2022

The ACII Affective Vocal Bursts Workshop & Competition is focused on understanding multiple affective dimensions of vocal bursts: laughs, gasps, cries, screams, and many other non-linguistic vocalizations central to the expression of emotion and to human communication more generally.

A Hierarchical Regression Chain Framework for Affective Vocal Burst Recognition

JinchaoLove/AffectiveVocalBurstRecognition 14 Mar 2023

Experimental results based on the ACII Challenge 2022 dataset demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed system and the effectiveness of considering multiple relationships using hierarchical regression chain models.