4D Spatio Temporal Semantic Segmentation

2 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

Image: Choy et al

Enforcing temporal consistency in Deep Learning segmentation of brain MR images

bigmb/Unet-Segmentation-Pytorch-Nest-of-Unets 13 Jun 2019

Proposed CNN based segmentation approaches demonstrate how 2D segmentation using prior slices can provide similar results to 3D segmentation while maintaining good continuity in the 3D dimension and improved speed.

13 Jun 2019

4D Spatio-Temporal ConvNets: Minkowski Convolutional Neural Networks

NVIDIA/MinkowskiEngine CVPR 2019

To overcome challenges in the 4D space, we propose the hybrid kernel, a special case of the generalized sparse convolution, and the trilateral-stationary conditional random field that enforces spatio-temporal consistency in the 7D space-time-chroma space.

18 Apr 2019