3D Single Object Tracking

22 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 1 datasets

3D tracking of a single object, based on an initial 3D bounding box, provided to the tracker. 3D single object tracking is commonly performed using point cloud data from Lidars, as it provides valuable depth information, which is lost in camera images. However, irregular point cloud structure and an increasing point sparsity with distance makes Lidar-based 3D single object tracking a nontrivial task.


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Most implemented papers

Multi-Correlation Siamese Transformer Network with Dense Connection for 3D Single Object Tracking

liangp/mcstn-3dsot 18 Dec 2023

Instead of performing correlation of the two branches at just one point in the network, in this paper, we present a multi-correlation Siamese Transformer network that has multiple stages and carries out feature correlation at the end of each stage based on sparse pillars.

SeqTrack3D: Exploring Sequence Information for Robust 3D Point Cloud Tracking

aron-lin/seqtrack3d 26 Feb 2024

Most existing methods perform tracking between two consecutive frames while ignoring the motion patterns of the target over a series of frames, which would cause performance degradation in the scenes with sparse points.