3D Shape Classification

29 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 1 datasets

Image: Sun et al


Use these libraries to find 3D Shape Classification models and implementations
2 papers


Most implemented papers

PVNet: A Joint Convolutional Network of Point Cloud and Multi-View for 3D Shape Recognition

code-implementation1/Code9 23 Aug 2018

With the recent proliferation of deep learning, various deep models with different representations have achieved the state-of-the-art performance.

Cross-Domain 3D Equivariant Image Embeddings

machc/spherical_embeddings 6 Dec 2018

This embedding encodes images with 3D shape properties and is equivariant to 3D rotations of the observed object.

Equivariant Multi-View Networks

daniilidis-group/emvn ICCV 2019

Several popular approaches to 3D vision tasks process multiple views of the input independently with deep neural networks pre-trained on natural images, achieving view permutation invariance through a single round of pooling over all views.

A Topological Nomenclature for 3D Shape Analysis in Connectomics

donglaiw/ibexHelper 27 Sep 2019

Next, we develop nomenclature rules for pyramidal neurons and mitochondria from the reduced graph and finally learn the feature embedding for shape manipulation.

Fine-Grained 3D Shape Classification with Hierarchical Part-View Attentions

liuxinhai/FG3D-Net 26 May 2020

According to our experiments under this fine-grained dataset, we find that state-of-the-art methods are significantly limited by the small variance among subcategories in the same category.

View-GCN: View-Based Graph Convolutional Network for 3D Shape Analysis

weixmath/view-GCN CVPR 2020

View-based approach that recognizes 3D shape through its projected 2D images has achieved state-of-the-art results for 3D shape recognition.

Unsupervised Deep Shape Descriptor With Point Distribution Learning

WordBearerYI/Unsupervised-Deep-Shape-Descriptor-with-Point-Distribution-Learning CVPR 2020

This paper proposes a novel probabilistic framework for the learning of unsupervised deep shape descriptors with point distribution learning.

Spatio-temporal Self-Supervised Representation Learning for 3D Point Clouds

yichen928/STRL ICCV 2021

To date, various 3D scene understanding tasks still lack practical and generalizable pre-trained models, primarily due to the intricate nature of 3D scene understanding tasks and their immense variations introduced by camera views, lighting, occlusions, etc.


SMohammadi89/PointView-GCN IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2021

We address 3D shape classification with partial point cloud inputs captured from multiple viewpoints around the object.

TreeGCN-ED: Encoding Point Cloud using a Tree-Structured Graph Network

prajwalsingh/TreeGCN-ED 7 Oct 2021

Point cloud is one of the widely used techniques for representing and storing 3D geometric data.