3D Shape Reconstruction

58 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 8 datasets

Benchmarking Encoder-Decoder Architectures for Biplanar X-ray to 3D Shape Reconstruction

naamiinepal/xrayto3d-benchmark 24 Sep 2023

Our results show that attention-based methods that capture global spatial relationships tend to perform better across all anatomies and datasets; performance on clinically relevant subgroups may be overestimated without disaggregated reporting; ribs are substantially more difficult to reconstruct compared to femur, hip and spine; and the dice score improvement does not always bring a corresponding improvement in the automatic estimation of clinically relevant parameters.

24 Sep 2023

Neural Poisson Surface Reconstruction: Resolution-Agnostic Shape Reconstruction from Point Clouds

arsenal9971/poissonnet 3 Aug 2023

Overall, the neural Poisson surface reconstruction not only improves upon the limitations of classical deep neural networks in shape reconstruction but also achieves superior results in terms of reconstruction quality, running time, and resolution agnosticism.

03 Aug 2023

Mesh Density Adaptation for Template-based Shape Reconstruction

ycjungsubhuman/density-adaptation 30 Jul 2023

In 3D shape reconstruction based on template mesh deformation, a regularization, such as smoothness energy, is employed to guide the reconstruction into a desirable direction.

30 Jul 2023

SwIPE: Efficient and Robust Medical Image Segmentation with Implicit Patch Embeddings

charzharr/miccai23-swipe-implicit-segmentation 23 Jul 2023

Modern medical image segmentation methods primarily use discrete representations in the form of rasterized masks to learn features and generate predictions.

23 Jul 2023

Real-time Simultaneous Multi-Object 3D Shape Reconstruction, 6DoF Pose Estimation and Dense Grasp Prediction

zubair-irshad/CenterSnap 16 May 2023

In this paper, we present a novel method to provide this geometric and semantic information of all objects in the scene as well as feasible grasps on those objects simultaneously.

16 May 2023

Parcel3D: Shape Reconstruction from Single RGB Images for Applications in Transportation Logistics

a-nau/CubeRefine-R-CNN 18 Apr 2023

We work towards detecting mishandling of parcels by presenting a novel architecture called CubeRefine R-CNN, which combines estimating a 3D bounding box with an iterative mesh refinement.

18 Apr 2023

Multi-View Azimuth Stereo via Tangent Space Consistency

xucao-42/mvas CVPR 2023

We present a method for 3D reconstruction only using calibrated multi-view surface azimuth maps.

29 Mar 2023

NAISR: A 3D Neural Additive Model for Interpretable Shape Representation

uncbiag/naisr 16 Mar 2023

However, given a set of 3D shapes with associated covariates there is at present no shape representation method which allows to precisely represent the shapes while capturing the individual dependencies on each covariate.

16 Mar 2023

Neural Fourier Filter Bank

ubc-vision/nffb CVPR 2023

We present a novel method to provide efficient and highly detailed reconstructions.

04 Dec 2022

OReX: Object Reconstruction from Planar Cross-sections Using Neural Fields

haimsaw/OReX CVPR 2023

A modest neural network is trained on the input planes to return an inside/outside estimate for a given 3D coordinate, yielding a powerful prior that induces smoothness and self-similarities.

23 Nov 2022