3D Plane Detection

5 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

Image: Liu et al

Most implemented papers

PlaneRCNN: 3D Plane Detection and Reconstruction from a Single Image

NVlabs/planercnn CVPR 2019

This paper proposes a deep neural architecture, PlaneRCNN, that detects and reconstructs piecewise planar surfaces from a single RGB image.


rlit/LatentRANSAC CVPR 2018

We present a method that can evaluate a RANSAC hypothesis in constant time, i. e. independent of the size of the data.

Single-Image Piece-wise Planar 3D Reconstruction via Associative Embedding

svip-lab/PlanarReconstruction CVPR 2019

In the first stage, we train a CNN to map each pixel to an embedding space where pixels from the same plane instance have similar embeddings.

DeepInSAR: A Deep Learning Framework for SAR Interferometric Phase Restoration and Coherence Estimation

Lucklyric/InSAR-Simulator 6 Sep 2019

In this work, we propose a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) based model DeepInSAR to intelligently solve both the phase filtering and coherence estimation problems.

PlanarRecon: Real-time 3D Plane Detection and Reconstruction from Posed Monocular Videos

neu-vi/PlanarRecon CVPR 2022

We present PlanarRecon -- a novel framework for globally coherent detection and reconstruction of 3D planes from a posed monocular video.