3D Object Detection From Stereo Images

12 papers with code • 3 benchmarks • 4 datasets

Estimating oriented 3D bounding boxes from Stereo Cameras only.

Image: You et al

Most implemented papers

LIGA-Stereo: Learning LiDAR Geometry Aware Representations for Stereo-based 3D Detector

xy-guo/LIGA-Stereo ICCV 2021

Compared with the state-of-the-art stereo detector, our method has improved the 3D detection performance of cars, pedestrians, cyclists by 10. 44%, 5. 69%, 5. 97% mAP respectively on the official KITTI benchmark.

DSGN++: Exploiting Visual-Spatial Relation for Stereo-based 3D Detectors

chenyilun95/dsgn2 6 Apr 2022

First, to effectively lift the 2D information to stereo volume, we propose depth-wise plane sweeping (DPS) that allows denser connections and extracts depth-guided features.