3D Medical Imaging Segmentation

32 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 9 datasets

3D medical imaging segmentation is the task of segmenting medical objects of interest from 3D medical imaging.

( Image credit: Elastic Boundary Projection for 3D Medical Image Segmentation )


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Most implemented papers

Elastic Boundary Projection for 3D Medical Image Segmentation

twni2016/Elastic-Boundary-Projection CVPR 2019

The key observation is that, although the object is a 3D volume, what we really need in segmentation is to find its boundary which is a 2D surface.

Semantic Context Forests for Learning-Based Knee Cartilage Segmentation in 3D MR Images

wq2012/DecisionForest 11 Jul 2013

The automatic segmentation of human knee cartilage from 3D MR images is a useful yet challenging task due to the thin sheet structure of the cartilage with diffuse boundaries and inhomogeneous intensities.

3D Densely Convolutional Networks for VolumetricSegmentation

black0017/MedicalZooPytorch arXiv preprint 2017

The proposed network architecture provides a dense connection between layers that aims to improve the information flow in the network.

TernaryNet: Faster Deep Model Inference without GPUs for Medical 3D Segmentation using Sparse and Binary Convolutions

mattiaspaul/TernaryNet 29 Jan 2018

We propose a new scheme that approximates both trainable weights and neural activations in deep networks by ternary values and tackles the open question of backpropagation when dealing with non-differentiable functions.

An application of cascaded 3D fully convolutional networks for medical image segmentation

holgerroth/3Dunet_abdomen_cascade 14 Mar 2018

In this work, we show that a multi-class 3D FCN trained on manually labeled CT scans of several anatomical structures (ranging from the large organs to thin vessels) can achieve competitive segmentation results, while avoiding the need for handcrafting features or training class-specific models.

Few-shot 3D Multi-modal Medical Image Segmentation using Generative Adversarial Learning

arnab39/FewShot_GAN-Unet3D 29 Oct 2018

In addition, our work presents a comprehensive analysis of different GAN architectures for semi-supervised segmentation, showing recent techniques like feature matching to yield a higher performance than conventional adversarial training approaches.

A New Ensemble Learning Framework for 3D Biomedical Image Segmentation

HaoZheng94/Ensemble 10 Dec 2018

In this paper, we propose a new ensemble learning framework for 3D biomedical image segmentation that combines the merits of 2D and 3D models.

Linking convolutional neural networks with graph convolutional networks: application in pulmonary artery-vein separation

chushan89/Linking-CNN-GCN Preprint 2019

In conclusion, the proposed CNN-GCN method combines local image information with graph connectivity information, improving pulmonary A/V separation over a baseline CNN method, approaching the performance of human observers.

CAKES: Channel-wise Automatic KErnel Shrinking for Efficient 3D Networks

yucornetto/CAKES 28 Mar 2020

3D Convolution Neural Networks (CNNs) have been widely applied to 3D scene understanding, such as video analysis and volumetric image recognition.