Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation with Pixel-Level Contrastive Learning from a Class-wise Memory Bank

This work presents a novel approach for semi-supervised semantic segmentation. The key element of this approach is our contrastive learning module that enforces the segmentation network to yield similar pixel-level feature representations for same-class samples across the whole dataset. To achieve this, we maintain a memory bank continuously updated with relevant and high-quality feature vectors from labeled data. In an end-to-end training, the features from both labeled and unlabeled data are optimized to be similar to same-class samples from the memory bank. Our approach outperforms the current state-of-the-art for semi-supervised semantic segmentation and semi-supervised domain adaptation on well-known public benchmarks, with larger improvements on the most challenging scenarios, i.e., less available labeled data.

PDF Abstract ICCV 2021 PDF ICCV 2021 Abstract


Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Result Benchmark
Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Cityscapes 100 samples labeled SemiSegContrast (DeepLab v2 with ResNet-101 backbone, MSCOCO pretrained) Validation mIoU 59.4% # 6
Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Cityscapes 100 samples labeled SemiSegContrast (DeepLab v3+ with ResNet-50 backbone, MSCOCO pretrained) Validation mIoU 64.9% # 3
Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Cityscapes 12.5% labeled SemiSegContrast (DeepLab v2 with ResNet-101 backbone, MSCOCO pretrained) Validation mIoU 64.4% # 21
Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Cityscapes 25% labeled SemiSegContrast (DeepLab v2 with ResNet-101 backbone, MSCOCO pretrained) Validation mIoU 65.9% # 19
Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Pascal VOC 2012 12.5% labeled SemiSegContrast Validation mIoU 71.6% # 22
Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Pascal VOC 2012 2% labeled SemiSegContrast (DeepLab v2 with ResNet-101 backbone, MSCOCO pretrained) Validation mIoU 67.9% # 2
Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Pascal VOC 2012 5% labeled SemiSegContrast (DeepLab v2 with ResNet-101 backbone, MSCOCO pretrained) Validation mIoU 70.0% # 4
