SCaLa: Supervised Contrastive Learning for End-to-End Speech Recognition

8 Oct 2021  ·  Li Fu, Xiaoxiao Li, Runyu Wang, Lu Fan, Zhengchen Zhang, Meng Chen, Youzheng Wu, Xiaodong He ·

End-to-end Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) models are usually trained to optimize the loss of the whole token sequence, while neglecting explicit phonemic-granularity supervision. This could result in recognition errors due to similar-phoneme confusion or phoneme reduction. To alleviate this problem, we propose a novel framework based on Supervised Contrastive Learning (SCaLa) to enhance phonemic representation learning for end-to-end ASR systems. Specifically, we extend the self-supervised Masked Contrastive Predictive Coding (MCPC) to a fully-supervised setting, where the supervision is applied in the following way. First, SCaLa masks variable-length encoder features according to phoneme boundaries given phoneme forced-alignment extracted from a pre-trained acoustic model; it then predicts the masked features via contrastive learning. The forced-alignment can provide phoneme labels to mitigate the noise introduced by positive-negative pairs in self-supervised MCPC. Experiments on reading and spontaneous speech datasets show that our proposed approach achieves 2.8 and 1.4 points Character Error Rate (CER) absolute reductions compared to the baseline, respectively.

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