M-HOF-Opt: Multi-Objective Hierarchical Output Feedback Optimization via Multiplier Induced Loss Landscape Scheduling

We address the online combinatorial choice of weight multipliers for multi-objective optimization of many loss terms parameterized by neural works via a probabilistic graphical model (PGM) for the joint model parameter and multiplier evolution process, with a hypervolume based likelihood promoting multi-objective descent. The corresponding parameter and multiplier estimation as a sequential decision process is then cast into an optimal control problem, where the multi-objective descent goal is dispatched hierarchically into a series of constraint optimization sub-problems. The subproblem constraint automatically adapts itself according to Pareto dominance and serves as the setpoint for the low level multiplier controller to schedule loss landscapes via output feedback of each loss term. Our method is multiplier-free and operates at the timescale of epochs, thus saves tremendous computational resources compared to full training cycle multiplier tuning. It also circumvents the excessive memory requirements and heavy computational burden of existing multi-objective deep learning methods. We applied it to domain invariant variational auto-encoding with 6 loss terms on the PACS domain generalization task, and observed robust performance across a range of controller hyperparameters, as well as different multiplier initial conditions, outperforming other multiplier scheduling methods. We offered modular implementation of our method, admitting extension to custom definition of many loss terms.

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