FogGuard: guarding YOLO against fog using perceptual loss

13 Mar 2024  ·  Soheil Gharatappeh, Sepideh Neshatfar, Salimeh Yasaei Sekeh, Vikas Dhiman ·

In this paper, we present a novel fog-aware object detection network called FogGuard, designed to address the challenges posed by foggy weather conditions. Autonomous driving systems heavily rely on accurate object detection algorithms, but adverse weather conditions can significantly impact the reliability of deep neural networks (DNNs). Existing approaches fall into two main categories, 1) image enhancement such as IA-YOLO 2) domain adaptation based approaches. Image enhancement based techniques attempt to generate fog-free image. However, retrieving a fogless image from a foggy image is a much harder problem than detecting objects in a foggy image. Domain-adaptation based approaches, on the other hand, do not make use of labelled datasets in the target domain. Both categories of approaches are attempting to solve a harder version of the problem. Our approach builds over fine-tuning on the Our framework is specifically designed to compensate for foggy conditions present in the scene, ensuring robust performance even. We adopt YOLOv3 as the baseline object detection algorithm and introduce a novel Teacher-Student Perceptual loss, to high accuracy object detection in foggy images. Through extensive evaluations on common datasets such as PASCAL VOC and RTTS, we demonstrate the improvement in performance achieved by our network. We demonstrate that FogGuard achieves 69.43\% mAP, as compared to 57.78\% for YOLOv3 on the RTTS dataset. Furthermore, we show that while our training method increases time complexity, it does not introduce any additional overhead during inference compared to the regular YOLO network.

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