Cross-Modality Perturbation Synergy Attack for Person Re-identification

18 Jan 2024  ·  Yunpeng Gong, Zhun Zhong, Zhiming Luo, Yansong Qu, Rongrong Ji, Min Jiang ·

In recent years, there has been significant research focusing on addressing security concerns in single-modal person re-identification (ReID) systems that are based on RGB images. However, the safety of cross-modality scenarios, which are more commonly encountered in practical applications involving images captured by infrared cameras, has not received adequate attention. The main challenge in cross-modality ReID lies in effectively dealing with visual differences between different modalities. For instance, infrared images are typically grayscale, unlike visible images that contain color information. Existing attack methods have primarily focused on the characteristics of the visible image modality, overlooking the features of other modalities and the variations in data distribution among different modalities. This oversight can potentially undermine the effectiveness of these methods in image retrieval across diverse modalities. This study represents the first exploration into the security of cross-modality ReID models and proposes a universal perturbation attack specifically designed for cross-modality ReID. This attack optimizes perturbations by leveraging gradients from diverse modality data, thereby disrupting the discriminator and reinforcing the differences between modalities. We conducted experiments on two widely used cross-modality datasets, namely RegDB and SYSU, which not only demonstrated the effectiveness of our method but also provided insights for future enhancements in the robustness of cross-modality ReID systems.

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